
Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio condemn Trump’s comments about veteran McCain

“I like people who weren’t captured”. It was the latest example of the reality television star’s willingness to take on his own party, a practice that both excites his party’s most passionate conservatives and worries Republican officials.


When Luntz revisited the subject, Trump talked about how his intellect made him especially qualified to be president of the United States. And there was an individual who stood, – or sat upon this stage earlier today, who doesn’t understand or doesn’t care about people who serve this country. I can not say the same of Mr Trump.

Frankly, I’m not really sure what Trump was getting at with his aforementioned comments. Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry went so far to call Trump “unfit” to serve as president and called on him to “immediately withdraw” from the primary contest.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry ripped Trump’s remarks, calling McCain “an American hero” and labeling Trump’s words as “disgraceful”.

And when pressed, Trump again refused to apologize for his recent description of Mexican immigrants as “rapists” and “criminals”.

The comments about Mr McCain drew rapid criticism from other 2016 Republican hopefuls. “It’s just a disgrace”.

In the past, Trump has also been very vocal about his perception that John McCain has done little for veterans.

Trump and McCain appear to have a tumultuous relationship. “Period”, spokesman Sean Spicer said. “The veterans in this country are treated as third-class citizens”, he said.

A spokesman for McCain, Brian Rogers, declined to comment when asked about Trump’s remarks.

South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham, a friend of McCain, has been a vociferous critic of Trump.

The response to the uproar was swift. John McCain’s for being a “captured” during the Vietnam War brought sharp rebuke from other in the GOP field.

“My view on John McCain is explicit and unambiguous”.

John McCain is an American hero”.

Donald Trump’s service record is non-existent due to multiple deferments filed by Trump during the draft.

McCain, who was a prisoner of war in Vietnam for six years, recently criticized Trump for stirring “the crazies” for his controversial remarks in recent weeks.

McCain was a Navy pilot whose plane was shot down in Vietnam. McCain’s war service in spite of his politics. He said he had supported McCain’s 2008 campaign and claimed to have raised $1 million for him.


“No, no”, Trump said and someone in the audience yelled: “Good for you!” “He lost and let us down….”

Donald Trump speaks at the Republican Party of Arkansas Reagan Rockefeller dinner in Hot Springs Ark. Friday