
Jeb Bush Blames The Rise Of ISIS On Obama, Clinton

“That premature withdrawal was the fatal error, creating the void that (Islamic State) moved in to fill”.


In contrast to his first big foreign policy address in February, where the former Florida governor insisted “I am my own man”, he now appears to embrace the family legacy – even adapting the language of George W Bush to warn that Islamist extremism is a “focus of evil”. “We have paid too high a price”. The Clinton campaign’s actual logo features an arrow pointing to the right within the shape of a letter H.

Rubio will conduct a two-part fundraiser at the Petroleum Club in Long Beach. “Conservative policies work”, Bush responded to Clinton. The campaign tossed out the tweet understanding that her Twitter team – meaning her energetic followers – would retweet it and promote it.

Bush is going to the Reagan Library in Southern California to lay out his plan for defeating ISIS.

“To boot, 19 – yes, 19 – out of 21 of the foreign policy advisors on Jeb’s campaign are from his brother’s and father’s administration”, noted Eric Walker, a spokesman with the Democratic National Committee.

As a senator from New York, Clinton voted to authorize the Iraq war. “The last thing we need in Syria is a repeat of Libya, with its planless aftermath, where the end of a dictatorship was only the beginning of more terrorist violence, including the death of four Americans in Benghazi”. He added that Obama “abandoned Iraq”.

“Why was the success of the surge followed by a withdrawal from Iraq, leaving not even the residual force that commanders and the joint chiefs knew was necessary?” says Bush.

“Iraq exactly one time”, he said.

This glosses over a few key facts.

Bush took that moment to repurpose Clinton’s image and jab at President Barack Obama, under whom Clinton once served as secretary of state.

“It’s curious that Gov. Bush is choosing Iraq as the place he wants to engage the foreign policy debate”, Sullivan said.

“It didn’t exist before the invasion”. On Monday, Bush criticized Clinton’s college affordability plan. As Bush put it, “Who can seriously argue that America and our friends are safer today than in 2009?”

“So desperate to be the history-makers, they did not be the peacemakers”, Bush stated.

Jake Sullivan, a senior Clinton campaign policy adviser, said Bush is trying to divert attention from the action of his brother, former President George W. Bush.

Instead, the former Florida governor says, the jihadist Islamic State organized and began acquiring territory in both Iraq and Syria.

Americans overall remain concerned about threats from Islamic terrorists but anxious about greater U.S. involvement overseas, especially those that require in-country forces. “This is the way forward”. This was not just a speech about terrorism, but one about the ongoing conflagration in the Middle East, and what Bush regards as the Obama administration’s record of policy failure. At contrast to other candidates such as Sen.

He also pledged he would embed US Marines and soldiers with Iraqi forces rather than simply training them, but he stressed there is no need at this point for a “major commitment of American combat forces” on the ground. He faulted Obama for failing to make good on threats of military reprisal if Assad used chemical weapons.

U.S. and allied forces have hammered ISIS positions in Iraq and Syria for nearly 13 months now, and have unquestionably degraded the group’s military capabilities across the board. Bush offered a look at how he would take on the group in Syria.


“He’s much different than his brother, and they’re different times”, voter Julio Lemos said. And because it will probably go through, by January 2017 when the new president comes into office, he or she will face a deal which will have been in effect for well over a year. Observing that Egypt and Saudi Arabia, the most populous Arab country and the wealthiest, are important partners of the United States, he alleged those relationships have been badly mishandled by this administration.

Hillary Clinton at the July 31 National Urban League conference where she blasted Jeb Bush's'right to rise rhetoric but didn't mention Bush by name