
Jeb Bush brings campaign back to SC with Lexington stop

Click to watch News 9’s coverage. Katrina Shealy, the former Florida governor spoke for about an hour, outlining his success in education and economic policy during his tenure as the Sunshine State’s chief executive, and promising similar results if elected president. Aides have said this week’s bus tour will be the first of long-stretches of time in the state, where Bush plans to keep holding town hall-style meetings while adding more informal “retail” stops where he can chat at length with small groups of voters. Mr Bush had asked.


The Bush campaign dismissed these rebuttals. Reallocated money toward the early states.

How will Bush make headway after so many months of stagnation?

“Do a lot of selfies. And this is going to be a fun campaign”. Tell the Jeb story.

“Should we nominate someone who doesn’t have a record of accomplishment?” That means he’ll be returning to South Carolina much more frequently.

Why are Donald Trump and Ben Carson, and not those who have spent time in public office, leading in the polls?

One of those “big personalities” is Donald Trump, of course, who belittles Bush as “low energy” or as someone who falls asleep at the microphone. This compares to nearly two-thirds of Carson supporters saying they haven’t locked in their votes. Just keep having a dialogue with people that are going to decide who the next president is going to be.

Stephanopoulos noted that the two rivals for the GOP presidential nomination are both 44 years old, of Cuban descent, are in their first terms in the Senate and have had Tea Party support.

“He was really engaging”, said Bearden of Bush’s performance Tuesday. Oh, great. Reporter: But this is your top campaign people.

Rubio has made the transition to a new generation a theme of his campaign, and has contrasted himself not only to the 68-year-old Clinton but the 62-year-old Jeb Bush. There has been talk of Bush revamping his strategies and making a fresh push to gain traction, but little else has been detailed from other candidates in terms of strategy shifts. “You just listed a litany of discredited attacks from Democrats and my political opponents, and I’m not gonna waste 60 seconds detailing them all”. “I love my father and my brother”, he said. I only have one debt in the world, which is the mortgage on the home that me and my family live in Miami. “I noticed he’s not watching CSI reruns anymore”, he said. I got a heart and I got a brain. “I believe we need to replace the divider in chief with a Commander in Chief”. “We’re going to do better”.

“How am I supposed to comment on that?”

A day after Republican presidential candidate Sen.


Priority No. 1 for Bush, acknowledged even by him, is injecting a few life into his campaign.

Many Bush backers in New Hampshire have 'moved on' from Jeb