
Jeb Bush campaigns in Eastern Iowa

Asked if Trump should apologize, Bush said that won’t happen because “he’s not a serious person and … and therefore it’s hard to imagine him being president of the United States”.


The former Florida Governor spoke to a crowd of about 70 at his Coffee and Donuts event Tuesday morning at the University of Dubuque.

“This lack of seriousness is a serious problem for our country”, he said.

Trump and Ben Carson, another political outsider, have been leading in Iowa, but Bush suggested the way the pair have responded by the terrorist attacks in Paris may be a turning point.

“Donald Trump’s a really capable politician, he’s just not qualified to be president”, Bush said. “It’s a serious job that requires serious candidates that offer serious plans”, Bush said.

“Name a candidate in national office that won saying ‘The world is coming to an end, vote for me, ‘” Bush said Wednesday during taping of Iowa Press, which will be broadcast this weekend on Iowa Public Television. “We’re running for the presidency of the United States. That’s a risky – that’s quicksand”, Bush said.

Bush said he doesn’t agree with a comment Hillary Clinton made in a 2012 e-mail released this week where she characterized caucuses like the ones held in Iowa as being driven by the “parties’ extremes”. “I think she’s a little bitter because she lost every caucus when she ran against Barack Obama because she was out organized”.

Also today, Bush is strongly disputing a new book’s account of advice Bush got from his brother, George W. – the former president. “People make up their minds late”.


He has the “the best organization here in Iowa of any of the campaigns”, Bush said, adding “We’re well organized. I have to understand why people are angry”, he said. I’m not going to change who I am just because I have to, I’m not going to be a faux candidate. I believe if we fix a few big complex things.

Republican presidential candidate former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush speaks to students and supporters during a tailgate campaign stop Saturday on the campus of Mississippi State in Starkville Miss. before the college football game between in state rivals Mi