
Jeb Bush: Donald Trump Is A ‘Chaos Candidate’

Editors at TheStreet think Donald Trump, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz got the best of it at this latest Republican presidential primary debate, held in Las Vegas and hosted by CNN and Facebook.


Donald Trump says he’s now “totally committed to the Republican party” and won’t run as an independent if he’s not the GOP nominee.

Is hiring a Roger Ailes-approved media coach paying off for Jeb Bush? “We are not talking about religion, we are talking about security”. “He would not be the commander in chief we need to keep our country safe”.

“Donald Trump’s comments was nothing against Muslim. It’s a way on a political and theocratic ideology that seeks to murder us”. Paul is that they don’t realize we’re already in World War III.

“We are now at a time when we need more tools, not less tools”, Rubio said.

How would Christie respond to a cyber attack by China against the United States?

Cruz called for using “overwhelming air power” to destroy the Islamic State, while Rubio said airstrikes would have to be supplemented by ground troops, including American special operations forces.

“It’s not accurate that I supported legalization; I led the fight against his amnesty bill”, Cruz said. ISIS has not mounted a single verifiable attack on U.S. soil. As it happens, war and terrorism are the topics Republicans are most interested in.

“It gave us greater tools and we are seeing those tools work right now in San Bernardino. Restore those tools to the NSA and law enforcement community”.

On Putin: “Frankly, it’s time we punch the Russians in the nose”. Ignore them. Nothing much changed.

It was a continuation of a sharp exchange between the two candidates during Tuesday’s Republican presidential debate.

“Government is not innovating”. We don’t win on trade. “We have to show what life is really like within ISIS territory”. He said national security hawks and fellow GOP presidential candidates Marco Rubio and Lindsey Graham pay insufficient attention to strengthening the homeland. He did get off a couple of good lines against Trump such as when he said Trump couldn’t insult his way to the presidency and that he wasn’t sure if Trump got his information from the Saturday or Sunday morning shows.

“That’s not what we’re going to do”, he said. “I miss George W. Bush”. There is nothing Graham loves more than issuing apocalyptic warnings about foreign policy, and the cable news networks are always willing to lend an eager ear.

Gun violence, in general, is far deadlier than terrorism in the US, yet the issue doesn’t generate almost the same panic-a disconnect the Democrats thought they could expose with recent attempts to lump the issues of terrorism and gun violence together by tethering weapon purchases to the no-fly list.

On a mandatory draft: “If you don’t want to be there, I don’t want you there”.

Texas Senator Ted Cruz had poll-driven momentum and talk radio chatter on his side going into Tuesday evening. Al-Assad has been credibly accused of using chemical weapons against rebels fighting his regime, and he has ties to Iran and Russian Federation.

On women in the military: “I don’t care if you’re a man or a woman”.

Ben Carson: “Our country since its inception has been at war”. It is not constitutionally protected speech.

But it does indicate that, after voracious public interest in the first two debates, people don’t seem to be quite as excited about them now. “I wish we had more of it on our college campuses”. I don’t think so. “Go after the radicals that kill us all”.


Trump defended the ban, saying, “We are not talking about isolation. But the reality is, all jihadists are Muslims”, Santorum said. “As he emerges again, at least in New Hampshire, the other candidates will focus negative fire on him and remind Republicans what they came to dislike about him”.

CNN hosted the last Republican presidential debate of 2015 Tuesday night