
Jeb Bush, Donald Trump Unapologetic for ‘Anchor Baby’ Language

Separated by only 15 miles, Donald Trump and Jeb Bush – the two leading candidates in a crowded race for the Republican presidential nomination – spent Wednesday evening slinging barbs at each other during dueling town hall events in New Hampshire.


So “anchor babies” is not Jeb’s terminology, although it’s not offensive anyway, and while, unlike numerous other passengers in the 2016 Clownigator, he’s OK with birthright citizenship, he also wants to prevent anchor babies by keeping their parents out of Our Great Country. He used the term “anchor babies” to describe children born in the US to people without papers, and suggested that their citizenship under the 14th amendment could be overturned in courts.

Stephanie Scherr of Fitzwilliam asked Bush if he would either return the $2 million campaign contribution he received from Richard Kinder of Kinder Morgan or call for a no vote from Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on the proposed Kinder Morgan natural gas pipeline through more than 17 towns in the region, including her own. “Anchor baby” was on that list. It is inaccurate as well as offensive.

“What I find offensive is Hillary Clinton, the left, when you look at those Planned Parenthood videos, they refuse to call them babies”. They are our families.

In fact, having a citizen child is no protection from possible deportation. And in 2013, more than 72,000 were deported, according to The Huffington Post.

“Anchor babies”, Harwood said. The paper defined it as “a derogatory term for a child born in the United States to an immigrant”. “People are talking about anchor babies“. “If they call it the Trump wall, it has to be handsome”. Rand Paul, is in danger of missing out on the next primetime debate, as is New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a former GOP powerhouse reduced to little more than an afterthought amid Trump’s rise.

During a radio interview Wednesday, Bush used the term while discussing immigration.

“Do you have a better term?” So I’m saying, ‘What are we getting out of this?’ These are competitors of ours these and they’re are economic competitors.

The reporter proposed “the American-born childs [sic] of undocumented immigrants.” They are American citizens. It also goes against American values of fairness and equality.

Jeb Bush PAC launches campaign defining him as a real conservative, as he brands Donald Trump a closet D. Play is clear”.

Trump, who has been criticized for a lack of specific policy plans, skipped an all-day education forum attended by half a dozen of his competitors, including Bush.

Bush said his record in Florida shows his ability to create and enforce policy that helps everyone rise up. If so, he only brought himself down to Trump’s level.


The Quinnipiac survey also shows Vice President Joe Biden, who is still mulling a presidential run, is running equal to or better than Hillary Clinton against the top Republican contenders in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, three key general election swing states.

Jeb Bush shakes hands with his brother George W Bush as they step off Marine One at Mac Dill Air Force Base Florida