
Jeb Bush: ‘I Will Not Vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton’

In his first remarks about Donald Trump’s presumptive Republican presidential nominee status, U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday urged U.S. media to closely vet the NY billionaire developer’s past statements and stances.


“There is no doubt that there is a debate that’s taking place inside the Republican Party about who they are and what they represent”, Obama added when asked his reaction to House Speaker Paul Ryan’s saying he is not yet ready to back Trump. “They have been treated so badly for so long that it is about time for politicians to put them first!”

He said that he wanted Trump to unify “all wings of the Republican Party and the conservative movement” and then run a campaign that would allow Americans in being part of something they that they are proud to support.

“I’m just not ready to do that at this point”, Ryan told CNN’s Jake Tapper. “I think what a lot of Republicans want to see is that we have a standard bearer that bears our standards”. “I’m going to support their candidates”, Bailey said of the Party. “As the presumptive nominee, he now has the opportunity and the obligation to unite our party around our goals”, he said, putting the onus on Trump to bring the fractured GOP back together. Probably am. There’ll be Democrats who can’t support Hillary Clinton, and you know some of them will hold their nose and vote for her. The GOP’s control of the Senate is at risk, and Trump could also be a down-ballot drag on several House contests as well. Trump has said he intends to pick a Republican with prior government experience.

Conservative Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, said on World Health Organization radio in Des Moines that it was time to support the nominee – but took a couple of pokes at Trump. “And I hope to”. Like other high-profile Republicans, Vance has said Trump’s primary cycle proposals such as a ban on Muslim immigrants entering the United States, is not what the Party stands for. “He called me, I think, to congratulate me about NY, “cause I won by massive numbers”.

Abby Huntsman, CNN: “I think this could be the beginning of the end for Donald Trump”.

Ryan has expressed criticism of Trump before. Trump told a crowd in SC in February that Ryan doomed the GOP presidential ticket four years ago by saying entitlement programs need reform. John McCain. The party’s 2008 nominee though was quoted on tape talking about his concern about his own reelection with Trump at the top of the ticket in his heavily Hispanic home state.


Wisconsin Ron Johnson on Thursday picked up the endorsement of U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan.

Obama warns U.S. presidency is not a'reality show