
Jeb Bush: I will ‘whup’ Hillary Clinton

Mike Fernandez, who has contributed over $3m to Bush’s campaign, issued the ads in response to a recent CNN poll in which Trump seized 36 per cent of the Republican vote.


“To make an impact on a national race in states, you have to buy TV or direct mail”, he said.

Fernandez told the publication that Clinton was the “lesser of the two evils”.

Fernandez purchased a full page advertisement in the Sunday edition of the newspaper, which called Trump a “narcissistic BULLYionaire with a hunger to be adored”. In what pundits have described as an indirect swipe at forerunner co-aspirant Donald Trump, Bush maintained that the ideal candidate to become the next President of the United States should “have a servant’s heart” and should not “push people down”. The New York Times reported that many in the party establishment “fear…an electoral wipeout” that could see the GOP lose its Senate majority as well as the presidential election if Trump is the nominee.

Bush also discussed how his team plans to win the Republican nomination despite his fifth-place position in the latest poll.

He said the elderly patriarch was not watching “CSI” anymore.

“How can you trust her if she in fact was opposed to the very thing she was supporting?” She goes home, goes to sleep.

Bush and the broader establishment that he represents need to understand that these are desperate times for them. “And I think that, you know, there’s a certain attractiveness to people that here’s a guy who says exactly what he believes, untrue as it may be, inflammatory as it certainly is”. “We need to declare war on them”.

“Those wives knew what their husbands were going to do”, Trump said. “We have to get the job done”.

Asked about Trump’s popularity earlier this year, former President Bill Clinton had a slightly different take.


“We are going to handle it so tough”, Trump said. “I would handle it so tough you would have no idea”.

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