
Jeb Bush, selfie king of Florida?

And while both candidates are racking up endorsements from elected officials in the state, it is one endorsement that neither of them got that is causing the most controversy in Florida.


Cruz Raises Million In Fourth Quarter
While supporters say Rubio just needs to stay in the top cluster in the first few states, some see his approach as risky. The Republican caucuses drew about 120,000 voters in 2008 and 2012 – roughly 20 percent of registered Republicans.

“I would argue that Donald Trump is in fact a creature of Barack Obama”, he continued.

Cleveland mayor: Peaceful Tamir Rice protests can continue
Unlike the case of Rice, McDonald’s killer, Chicago Police Officer Jason Van Dyke, has been charged with first degree murder. The reporter then cut him off to point out that Tamir Rice lived in Cleveland, Ohio.

In 2015 Donald Trump was unhinged, liberal & dishonest. Asked about the effect of Trump’s proposed temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States on Republican primary voters, Bush replied, “In a month from now, voters won’t agree with him”.

Ben Carson Loses a Pair of Top Campaign Aides
The department attributed the delay to the large number of documents involved and the holiday schedule. In all, 1,274 of Clinton’s emails have been withheld from public release.

He called the Islamic State “the threat of our time”. “We’ve got Gov. Bush who’s led by example”.

The audience of 900 was larger than the usual crowd at the Forum Club, which attracts political, legal, business and government movers and shakers to its luncheons.

Putin would better respond to a president who’s “consistent”, not a “blowhard”, Bush said, referencing Trump.

As many as half declined the stickers. And in my case, you know – look, I’m a Conservative, but I believe that conservativism needs to be applied in a hopeful, optimistic way. “You name it and I’ll do it”. We need to enforce our laws.

In his compilation video, Bush hit Trump hardest on the businessman’s lack of foreign policy and defense experience.

Earlier in the day Bush gave speeches just outside Miami and in West Palm Beach.

Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush speaks with NPR’s Steve Inskeep on Wednesday in Boston.

Politicians are generally seen as people who aren’t always with the times, in part due to the average politician’s age.

He said it was “just about the dumbest thing” he had ever heard. “That was the most substantive question I’ve heard in a long time”. “Right? It’s war”, he said.

“Just for the record, young people do it better than older people”.

“It [government] is too big, too incompetent”, said Bush.

The former Florida governor seemed unfazed.


Many of those attending the town hall meeting said before the event they were hesitant to support the former Florida governor, saying they came to the meeting to gather information and they were still undecided as to whom they would support. Bush was also asked about how he would improve veterans’ healthcare. He said he had “totally misunderstood” the question during an interview with Fox News.

Jeb Bush in Ocala today for town hall meeting