
Jeb Bush Speaks from the Soapbox at Iowa State Fair

At least the former governor did not propose sending more troops to the region, sensing perhaps voters would recoil in horror at the thought of yet another Bush taking up residence in the Situation Room.


Grassley and Ernst haven’t endorsed a candidate but their appearances showed Bush’s potential strengths in the party. Hand-wring away. But in the end, there is only one person responsible for today’s Persian Gulf calamity, and Jeb needs to look no further than the family tree to find his feckless older brother, George W. Bush, as the prime architect of Iraq’s anarchy.

“The term “Common Core” is so darn poisonous, I don’t even know what it means”, Bush said while campaigning at the Iowa State Fair, in response to a question on the standards before a gathering of fairgoers.

“We didn’t have to get out in 2011…everyone in Iraq and Washington knew we could have extended that deal”, Bush said. “I’m proud of it, but I’m gonna be elected with my ideas and my record”.

Bush says it’s a matter of determining a strategy, then executing it, destroying ISIS once and for all. “Now he is trying to backtrack, probably because his brother said, wait a minute, you are killing me”.

Mr Bush said torture was inappropriate, but he believed there was a difference between torture and enhanced interrogation. And while he says there are good people running on the Republican side, he will continue to push for accountability from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a potential Democratic nominee.

The Bush campaign and the New Hampshire Republican Party did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

A June trip to Europe, in which Bush visited two states that border Russian Federation, was set up to allow the Republican presidential hopeful to blast Clinton over her strong support for the Obama administration’s attempted “reset” with Russian Federation and its president, Vladimir Putin. With Bush continuing to slide in the polls, reminding the American people of his brother’s failed war might not be the smartest thing to do. But remember that George W. Bush intended to have a domestic focus, too, before history decided otherwise.

Attempting to clarify his position, Bush claimed that the timeline to withdrawal troops could have been modified, but the protester continued to shout back.

“That’s a really bad reason not to vote for him“, McLinden said.

But what’s gone unnoticed – perhaps because Bush is so dreary it’s hard to listen to him without losing consciousness – is he actually said he’s “proud” of his brother’s torture policies.


Despite his ham-handed efforts to foist off the shambles of Iraq on Obama and Clinton, as if his stumblebum brother was blameless in turning the Persian Gulf into a version of Mad Max, the Prince of Coral Gables offered no solutions of his own. Our already easily distracted media culture is on tilt from the advent of “The Donald” as Republican presidential frontrunner.

Jeb Bush won't rule out torture