
Jeb Bush super PAC launches advertising blitz

Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush will attempt to position himself as the veteran-friendly GOP candidate Monday when he formally unveils a policy overhaul of the scandal-hit Department of Veterans Affairs.


Greater access to community care, increased service to women vets, VA filling prescriptions from non-VA doctors, improved information technology, fire problem employees faster, getting the VA out of the construction business and improving career opportunities for veterans are at the heart of Bush’s plan, according to Krause.

With the growing importance of the SEC Primary in the 2016 presidential contest, it’s no surprise that former Florida governor Jeb Bush is making a trip to the Classic City for the Georgia/Carolina game. “In other government agencies, common-sense reforms have saved billions”.

“We did it – everything that they advised, from buying pristine lands around military bases so encroachment didn’t take place”, to giving military children a first shot at getting their preferred schools, Bush said.

Crowdpac reviewed named contributors who gave to Bush’s campaign, Bush’s Right to Rise PAC or his leadership action committee, American Bridge. This is fast-growing state; it has one of the highest percentages of veterans. He also passed laws that “provide free undergraduate tuition at state colleges and universities to Florida recipients of the Purple Heart and their children”. Jack Oliver, one of the best-known fundraisers for George W. Bush, has the title of finance co-chairman. He says boosting troop levels would prevent even more strain on a Veterans Affairs Department still struggling with long delays in veterans care.

Bush pointed to documents revealed last week that showed the VA denied more than 35,000 combat veterans care due to a computer glitch. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in New York ruled on May 7 that such activities by the NSA are illegal, stating that Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act cannot be legitimately interpreted to allow such bulk collection of domestic calling records. “The VA must remain the guarantor of that choice and that care”.

The presidential candidate’s plan would expand healthcare options through both the VA and outside caregivers.


Bush says the V.A. has plenty of money and manpower.

Bush Privatize more veterans care boost active forces