
Jeb Bush to win endorsement of South Carolina Sen. Graham

The sagging presidential campaign of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush rolled out the endorsement Friday morning of Sen.


At a news conference in South Carolina Friday, Graham, who focused his short-lived presidential bid on national security, said he liked what he heard from Bush at the debate the previous night.

Lindsey Graham says he doesn’t have any doubt that Jeb Bush would be ready “to be commander-in-chief on day one”. Lindsey Graham arrives with former Sen. “This is my 21st visit to New Hampshire and I’m coming back”. And, as the Washington Post pointed out, “Graham is a savvy pol, a talented spokesman with a real statewide organization”.

Graham said earlier this month that he wants to support a candidate who would criticize them for that – something Bush has done.

Graham praised Bush’s approach to immigration reform and suggested the former governor would be able to build partnerships with moderate Muslim countries in the fight against terrorism.

Bush is seeking a foothold in SC, which is set to hold the south’s first primary election on February 20. Many of Graham’s high-profile supporters backed Bush right after Graham left the race.

Lately, Jeb Bush gained the support of a lot of Mr. Graham’s loyalists from South California, so he can definitely count on their help. The two were seen having drinks at a Manchester hotel just three days before Graham announced he was dropping out. The South Carolina Senate did not reach a deal on a roads bill this week, despite a special bipartisan work group spending some time on the issue behind closed doors.


Bush hailed Graham as “the most knowledgeable person on the Hill as it related to national security, military affairs and foreign policy”. Another Bush donor said they were told, “Hey, I need you to throw away money on Jeb-out of loyalty”.

Graham to endorse Bush