
Jeb: ‘Hell yeah’ I’d kill baby Hitler

What most Times Magazine readers probably didn’t know is that the poll question was ripped from a sketch that aired back on October 1 on CBS’s The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.


“Hell yeah, I would!”.

In an interview with The Huffington Post, Trump’s favorite political punching bag, fellow Republican Presidential nominee Jeb Bush, admitted that he would play the role of murderer in a very specific, extremely hypothetical situation.

Asked if he’d commit a crime that could potentially prevent World War II, he answered “Hell yeah, I would!”, adding “You gotta step up, man”. “‘Back to the Future, ‘ could have a unsafe effect on everything else”, he continued.

Now, don’t get me wrong: Adolf Hitler was a monster, one of the evilest motherfuckers to besmirch the earth’s soil.

Low-pollers New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee failed to make the cut.

“I’m not in favor of aborting anybody”, Carson said when asked the suddenly popular question by a sports blogger following Tuesday’s Republican presidential debate in Milwaukee.

Team Marco Rubio has just employed a pretty clever campaign ad to counteract recent criticism from his 2016 opponent Jeb Bush.

Bush released an e-book earlier this month, Reply All, depicting the close relationship he had with Floridians over email during his tenure as governor there.

“We welcome Governor Bush and his team to reality”, Hogue said in a statement. (Jeb’s brother did it.) But, if you want to be handed the launch codes to our nuclear arsenal, asking, “What was the name of the Michael Fox movies?” is not one of them.


“Most importantly, I would teach baby Hitler that we do not solve our problems with violence”, Colbert continued.

Would Jeb Bush kill baby Hiter? 'Hell yeah,' he says