In light of this new criticism from the GOP frontrunner, let’s compare how Trump and Bush reacted to latest mass shooting in America.
Charles Amuzie Secretary Clinton, what do you think about Jeb Bush’s comments about African-Americans and “free stuff” last week? Bringing Dubya into the race, despite the risk that it’ll further convince the public that he’s a dynasty case who’d be nowhere if his name were “Jeb Smith”, might be his best chance left to restore this race to a “Bush versus Not Bush” contest, which would ensure him a spot in the final two, at least. Now suddenly the race looks headed for an “Outsider versus Insider” battle with Trump or Cruz or Fiorina (or Carson, I guess) in the first role and Rubio or John Kasich in the second.
The name issue puts them squarely at odds with Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who already has called for the Redskins to change their name.
“Honestly, I don’t think they should change the name, unless the owner wanted to”, he said. Rubio has also drawn the scrutiny of a super PAC supporting Bush that has more than $100 million at its disposal, a portion of which will nearly certainly be spent on attack advertising. He added, “I know Indians that are extremely proud of that name”.
While speaking at an event in Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina, last week, Bush was asked by a voter how he would set out to attract African American voters. “Our message is one that is uplifting – that says you can achieve earned success”. But whether he’s using the word retarded correctly or, you know, giving a long answer, these are the opportunities that the media really shows a bias because he was not wrong when he said what he said. He has gone to great lengths to emphasize his own life story and becomes testy when asked about how he differs from his brother, asking voters or reporters if they are precise replicas of their siblings. Barry Wynn, Jeb Bush’s state co-chairman and a major donor, said he had made two suggestions over the summer to campaign officials about whom to send to Columbia to file the paperwork to be on South Carolina’s primary ballot – a campaign ritual and photo opportunity that is widely covered in local newspapers and political websites.
“The place where I think this could be the most powerful, where it resonates the most”, he said, referring to Republicans’ appeal to African-American voters, “is in school choice”.
Rubio also defended his voting record this year – he’s missed more votes than any other senators running for president – which has been a frequent critique lobbed at him by his competitors. In a field where establishment Republicans are afraid that Trump will capture the nomination, and where Tea Party activists are wary of Bush, Rubio’s campaign believes that he has a unique, if untraditional, advantage. That’s a worrisome enough sign for Jeb’s campaign, but when you dig into the poll’s internals, you start to see just how much trouble Jeb is in. Jeb Bush has offered mild criticism of his brother’s administration at times.