
Jeb Refuses To Back Trump Over Clinton In CNN Interview

However, Burr said he would be more anxious if Cruz was a member of the Intelligence Committee, as it is his understanding that other Senators outside of the committee were not briefed on the subject.


Republican presidential candidates joined issue with frontrunner Donald Trump’s call to ban Muslims from coming to the United States with Senator Ted Cruz citing the example of India to say all Muslims were not jihadists.

Budowich said Rubio will have a tough time selling the idea that he and Cruz share the same approach on immigration.

Gov. Chris Christie had perhaps the best night of the mainstream candidates with his relentless focus on national security strength.

Van Susteren dismissed that and kept pushing him to clarify and be specific.

On Fox, Rubio went bluntly after Cruz and his support for the USA Freedom Act which limited the surveillance capabilities of the NSA to track terrorists using metadata.

Cruz: The fact that I introduced an amendment to remove part of the Gang of Eight bill doesn’t mean I support the Gang of Eight bill. the Gang of Eight bill was a mess. “But what he elicited from Cruz was the statement that he had never supported legalization”.

“Marco has consistently voted against those sorts of bills, but the truth is that it’s not going to change until we elect a new president”, Conant said.

His decision three years ago to join a bipartisan effort to reform the nation’s immigration system and give undocumented immigrants a path to citizenship – or “amnesty”, as anti-immigration advocates see it – continues to engender deep suspicion among hard-line conservatives. That amendment called their bluff.

“By calling their bluff, we defeated amnesty”.

“The president has left us unsafe”, said Rubio.

As Des Moines Register/Bloomberg News released its latest poll which shows that Cruz is ahead of Trump in Iowa with 31 percent to 21 percent, the rival between the two is expected to increase. That’s compared to 54 percent of all Americans who support a way for immigrants who are already in the country illegally to become citizens, while 44 percent are opposed.

It’s not a debate among the nation’s surging Hispanic population: About three-quarters support a pathway to citizenship.

“He was a supporter of legal immigration, as he said at the time and repeated to multiple media outlets for months”, Rubio said Thursday. It would be a safe bet that they won’t hurt him after Tuesday night either.


Slams the Republican front-runner’s plan to bar Muslims from US.

Scowling filmmaker Michael Moore had message about “angry white guys” for Donald Trump outside Trump Tower on Wednesday