
Jeb: Trump Making ‘Dog Whistle Proposals to Prey on People’s Fears’

He criticized the Republican National Committee for not doing more to denounce Trump, even at the risk he’ll run an independent campaign.


The group initially planned to air positive, biographical TV ads about Bush, including a 15-minute mini-documentary, “The Jeb Story”, that aired in New Hampshire last weekend.

It’s not clear whether Trump had anything to do with this, though The Daily Caller has implied as much.

On Wednesday, Trump released a Instagram video that spliced together George Stephanopoulos’ recent interview with the former Florida governor, in which Bush acknowledged Trump’s skills as a politician.

At the American Legion Hall Tuesday night in Hooksett, New Hampshire, Brad Butler, from Allenstown, New Hampshire, was candidate shopping.

For Bush, it became a free-flowing hour of rare insight into the candidate’s personality and his thoughts about his famous family.

The founder of the private equity firm MBF Healthcare Partners, Fernandez said he did not seek counsel from the Bush campaign or Right to Rise before launching his anti-Trump campaign.

Fernandez also told the Herald, “If I have a choice – and you can put it in bold – if I have a choice between Trump and Hillary Clinton, I’m choosing Hillary”. After quitting his corporate jobs to run for president, Right to Rise USA took in .7 million from executives, companies and organizations Bush worked with or had disclosed a financial stake in.

“No one can deny he’s running a brilliant campaign”, Duprey said.

The elder Bush has lived a storied career.

Among those classified by CNN as “all other candidates” is Jeb Bush, the man who was nearly anointed by the GOP echelon as its preferred candidate at the onset of the race.

“This is serious business, and we shouldn’t along the way do exactly what these radical Islamic terrorists want”, Bush said.

“I realized if I tried to achieve what I thought my dad was that I would be good about 50 percent of the way there”. I would (get) about 50% of the way there.

Numerous group’s leadership and top donors are close confidants of Bush and his storied political family.

“You know how you make America great again?” “It’s the fortitude and integrity that you show when people aren’t watching”.


“Our civil liberties are not being violated by the metadata program”, Bush said. But, trying to stay focused on the issues, he said, “I’ve just laid out comprehensive plans to destroy ISIS, which would solve this problem, and to deal with the refugee challenges, and to deal with our retirement problems and our tax code and all this”. “I also did it because I’m in the midst of a powerful campaign that’s going very well”.

Here's How Donald Trump Just Punked Jeb Bush Again