
Jeff Sessions: No ‘fundamental contradiction’ in Trump’s ISIS plan

He said that, if he wins the presidency, he will ask Congress to “completely” eliminate the automatic defence spending cuts that entered into force in 2013 to reduce the deficit and he will present a new budget to “rebuild” the country’s Armed Forces.


Trump discussed his plan to defeat ISIS at a Greenville, NC rally.

On Tuesday, in a speech on foreign policy, Trump announced he would give the military’s top generals 30 days to submit a plan for soundly defeating ISIS.

Clinton clarified that if she is elected president, she will not send American ground forces to the Middle East in order to fight ISIS: “We have to defeat ISIS”. And as long as he stays there and just says, “I’m going to listen to my generals”, as long as he says that, he is going to beat her when it comes to military, foreign policy, and all that stuff. “We now have an Administration, and a former Secretary of State, who refuse to say radical Islamic terrorism”, he said.

He said the campaign against the jihadist group would include not only “military warfare but also cyberwarfare, financial warfare and ideological warfare”.

“It shows a complete lack of understanding of the threat and the ways to fight it”, Hertling said.

“.Sometimes it has seemed like there wasn’t a country in the Middle East that Hillary Clinton didn’t want to invade, intervene or topple”.

Clinton said that if lifted, she would work to ensure that the defense spending is reformed to prioritize necessary programs.

When asked about Russian President Vladimir Putin, Trump said that he thinks that as president he would have a good relationship with his Russian counterpart.

“This can be done, and Donald Trump is saying clearly and unequivocally and consistently we’re going to target ISIS first”, Sessions said. “I think that what they need to be able to do is they need to be able to unleash our military capabilities as well as other capabilities we have”.


The Obama-Clinton administration tried repeatedly to remove our cruisers from service, then refused to modernise these aging ships, he said.

Retired General: Trump's ISIS Plan 'Shows Complete Lack of Understanding'