
Jennifer Lawrence Pranks YouTube Channel Smosh Into The Most HIGHlariouly

Just when she thinks her event is about to get shut down, Prank It FWD and some special friends show up to present her with a few life-changing surprises, including a mob ready to adopt and provide loving homes for each and every one of her forty dogs.


Jennifer Lawrence proved her sense of humor yet again by teaming up with a fan with muscular dystrophy to give online pranksters Smosh a taste of their own medicine.

“Part 2” comes to theaters tomorrow in Singapore, Jennifer Lawrence has been all over the world doing press interviews to promote the film.

In the video, Lawrence attempts to turn off her charm and freeze out Hecox but, in true J. Law form, the amiable actress can not completely ice out her prank foe, even with Hutcherson and Hemsworth directing her behind the scenes.

By the time Hemsworth and Hutcherson confront Smosh after Lawrence’s interview, it appears the comedians finally understand what has happened on this fateful day: The prankee has defeated the pranker. One of the most-viewed “Prank It FWD” videos to date is ‘Best Shift Ever, ‘ in which a surprised L.A. waitress received a $1,000 tip, as well as a trip to Hawaii, a new vehicle and a surprise visit from her mentor. He was interviewing Lawrence on set and Padilla was on the background to act as Hecox’s support, where they communicate through an earpiece, People magazine reports.


“I was being serious about the lack of respect”. “I just feel like this is a waste of everybody’s time, I’m sorry, I feel like you’re not really a professional”. That was when Lawrence entered the room with mastermind Miceli-Nelson, and the Smosh duo knew that they were the ones that had been pranked.

Jennifer Lawrence Pranks Smosh As Defy Media’s ‘Prank It Fwd’ Returns