
Jennifer Lawrence Was So Excited to Sleep She Dislocated Her Toe

If someone casually mentioned Jennifer Lawrence had dislocated her toe, odds are one would assume she had tripped yet again.


“It’s got to be blowing your mind, exhausting”.

More specifically, the posters were prohibited in Jerusalem and Bnei brak, and the only one they thought acceptable to put up showed the same poster, but without Lawrence in it.

The actress who appeared on the Canon chat show on November 20, 2015, spoke about the amusing and sad moments she experienced during the making and promotions of “Mockinjay 2”.

Being the amusing person she is, JLaw jokingly spoke about her attire of the night saying, “I don’t know how I’m going to sit to look demure and thin, ‘ she said”.

“This was my first night of sleep … the best night of sleep the whole tour I got was on the plane…It was about 12 hours and I actually dislocated my toe”.

In Lawrence’s booze-fueled confusion she began to crudely compliment the woman for Taylor’s accomplishments.

“Jen was very vocal about the tyranny of skinniness imposed on actresses, and the way in which actresses are expected to be very subhuman in their weight”, she told People.

With the final Hunger Games movie releasing this week (at least until they give the prologue its own trilogy), the film’s stars have been jet-setting around the globe for a worldwide premiere.

“He’s an animal”, she said, referring to Liam Hemsworth.

“Oh, you all slept together?”


“Yeah”, Lawrence said. “We just held on to each other”.

Hungry for more? Check out the cast of the Hunger Games on Good Morning America