
Jennifer Lopez under fire for ‘All Lives Matter’ tweet

The superstar quickly removed the polarising post after realising the impact of the hashtag.


“Yes black lives matter, but there’s gays and Muslims and Hispanics targeted too”.

Supporters of Black Lives Matter have now, in an attempt to call the bluff of those using the #AllLivesMatter hashtag, garnered support for their side by using the hashtag #AllLivesDidntMatter, an open invitation to others on Twitter to share examples in history, especially within the USA, where minorities were oppressed or abused.

Social media users were quick to clock Lopez for her usage of the hashtag, setting off a Twitter firestorm.

Another wrote: “I just lost respect for @JLo after her tweeting/deleting all lives matter”.

Lopez has not responded to the backlash, however a source close to the singer the New York Post’s Page Six: “Honestly, she didn’t realize the implications of the hashtag”.

Lopez was using the tweet, at least momentarily, to promote her new collaboration with Miranda called “Love Make the World Go Round”, a tribute to the 50 people murdered during the Islamic terror attack on Pulse Night Club in Orlando, Florida.

The phrase “All Lives Matter” has come under heavy criticism lately from members of the Black Lives Matter movement. “Once she did she took the post down”.

Jennifer Lopez and Lin-Manuel Miranda perform a song on the Today show to benefit victims of the mass shooting in Orlando.


The stars performed Love Make the World Go Round for the first time on US breakfast show Today on Monday (11Jul16), when 50 survivors and relatives of those killed or injured in the club attack were among the audience at New York’s Rockefeller Plaza.

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