
Jeremy Corbyn completes reshuffle of Labour front bench

“The Conservative leader said other European prime ministers were often asking him “‘What on Earth has happened to the British Labour Party?'”. The Labour party as an institution has long-supported Britain being a nuclear power and numerous unions who finance Labour represent workers whose jobs depend on the nuclear defence industry.


In a move that suggested Corbyn’s efforts to forge unity remain some way from fruition Labour’s rail spokesman, Jonathan Reynolds resigned, saying he would better contribute away from its leading body.

The storm around Mr Corbyn’s cabinet reshuffle shows no sign of abating, with all three resigned MPs being dismissed as part of a “narrow, right-wing clique” by Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell.

“He came to the view that with both Michael and with Pat he didn’t feel he had confidence in them”, he told Sky News.

Commenting on the reshuffle, Mr Antoniw said: “There’s a few people who are more bitter about the fact still that Jeremy won and also this is more about their own personal and individual positions”.

Speaking to the BBC’s Daily Politics programme, Livingstone said that as the man in charge of Labour’s defence review, he was going to look at whether Britain should withdraw from a military alliance that has pretty much defined Britain’s military presence in the world for the past 60 years.

Mr Doughty said he intends to keep focusing on issues that matter to Penarth and assisting constituents and local businesses. For 32 years he has been an uncompromising radical, defying Labour Party orders more than 500 times (opposing Labour plans more than David Cameron himself) and frequently marching with rival parties against the policies of the last Labour government.

Mr Corbyn denied overseeing a “revenge reshuffle”, describing the changes to his front bench team as “an alteration”.

Ms Thornberry, whose Islington South & Finsbury constituency borders Mr Corbyn’s, defended the leader’s anti-nuclear stance following his election last September.

“There were issues where there has been undermining of his leadership and not accepting his mandate from the party members that he received in the election”. “I’ve chose to stay in there even though I’ve had disagreements with Jeremy because I want to help Jeremy climb up that learning curve as quickly as humanly possible”.

In a statement, Mr Doughty said he had agreed to serve in Mr Corbyn’s team despite “principled differences” over defence, foreign policy and national security after receiving assurances that “honesty and difference” would be welcome.

“But don’t underestimate the determination of the Labour Party to achieve on housing, achieve on social justice, achieve on a developing economy, achieve on manufacturing”. She tweeted the news this morning and delcared ” I will work hard to hold this government to account”. Many people want to do that.

The people who disagreed were Corbyn and his inexperienced communications director, Seaumas Milne, a Guardian journalist and the former business manager of a communist periodical.


Indeed, it would not be surprising to hear that Benn was only kept to avoid more resignations like these.

Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn who sacked two members of his shadow cabinet in a so-called ‘revenge reshuffle