
Jeremy Corbyn: Conservative claims to support equality are ‘fake’

“The back of my head…”


New figures shared by the Independent show that since losing the general election in May, the Labour party has gained more members than the Conservatives have in total.

Top Tory Robert Halfon launches scathing attack on new Labour leader – as Corbyn’s “friends” rejoice at murder of four Israelis. To their horror, the £3 offer was taken up by the left, who appreciated the irony of using a Blairite mechanism against the Blairites.

But has Mr Corbyn, whose candidature, programme, political stance and even actions, I support, really reduced his party to an unelectable object of fun?

JEREMY Corbyn said he refuses to trade personal insults with David Cameron after he was branded Britain-hating by the Prime Minister.

Following his claims that Mr Corbyn thought the Al-Qaeda leader’s death was a tragedy, Mr Cameron said “No. A tragedy is almost 3,000 people murdered one morning in New York”.

Nevertheless, a substantial majority in a public poll concluded that there was substance in the accusations. He could say that constitutional change isn’t among his top priorities, but he’s not prepared to pretend to be something he isn’t. “I can promise you that I will never share a platform with Hezbollah”.

‘As the Prime Minister and others did, it is far from unusual to miss the first meeting due to other commitments’. In principle once put into full effect it would see graduates pay for their time at university by increased taxation (in the form of national insurance contributions) once they’ve accumulated a significant amount after their degree. Hon. title which goes with the appointment.

This is one reason why, under Corbyn, the hard left struck back and finally managed to wrest power from the compromisers. The commentariat went wild at what they called his silent insolence. We want to get Corbyn elected but we also want to build broader participation in politics. He subsequently said he was thinking about the people from his own family who fought in the Second World War and the preoccupation distracted him from singing.

Whether Corbyn ever bows the knee or allows his lips to brush the Queen’s fingers is irrelevant as a guide to his beliefs or principles. He has stuck to his core values with admirable consistency over 32 years in Parliament, leading to a rebuttal of the party whip over 500 times during his tenure. Mr Corbyn pleaded a previous engagement and refused to go. An onslaught is inevitable because on many issues Corbyn’s positions are directly opposed to what the British state considers to be its interests.

A quarter of a million people, 60 per cent of the total leadership vote, overwhelmingly made Jeremy Corbyn their new leader.

The ceremonial requires that to be invested as Privy Councillor the nominee has to kneel before the Queen but it is suggested to Mr Corbyn that he can turn up and plead that he has knee injury and that bowing politely might suffice as a less serf-like and proud but good-mannered republican alternative. Corbyn has described the killing of Al-Qaida mastermind Osama Bin Laden as a “tragedy”.


“This was an assassination attempt, and is yet another tragedy, upon a tragedy, upon a tragedy”. That’s a substantially different sentiment from mourning the death of Britain’s enemies. His figurative kneelings have also been extended to those delicate flowers in Hezbollah and Hamas. Then the contestant would say “I think it’s the thigh, David”, and he’d reply, “No, you idiot, it’s the thigh”. His shadow foreign secretary did do so in his address to the event.

Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne arrives at the annual Conservative Party Conference in Manchester