
Jeremy Corbyn in plea for civility during Labour leadership contest

She said there should be no legal challenge to the NEC’s decision but warned that Labour risks electoral wipeout in the north at the hands of Ukip, similar to that it has suffered in Scotland if Mr Corbyn remains leader. I’d want to get into that and the benefits system. “It’s the worst possible outcome for the Labour party if he does”.


“I’m a multilateralist and I believe that the world has actually got more volatile and more insecure over the last few years”.

FORMER shadow secretary of state for Wales Owen Smith is expected to announce his intention to stand for the Labour leadership later today. From the introduction of the NHS, to the minimum wage; building council homes, sure start centres and securing workers’ rights, we have a proud history of standing up to deliver massive improvements to the lives of British people.

One of Jeremy Corbyn’s inner circle, after a day spent anxiously watching Labour’s national executive committee and becoming more and more gloomy, sent out a text message on hearing he would automatically be on the ballot.

“We celebrate the diversity of our Party as a place where sexist, racist, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, homophobic, or other discriminatory or offensive abuse, has no place”.

He said he and the 171 Labour MPs who have no confidence in their leader could not go into a general election to fight for a manifesto reflecting his views.

Jo Stevens, who has been MP for Cardiff Central since May 2015, said it’d become “painfully clear that we’ve been unable to fulfil the essential daily operation as the official opposition in Parliament” in recent weeks.

They pointed out that Mr Corbyn was put in the top job after winning overwhelming support from party members – a vote of more than 251,000 members.

“We can not present ourselves as a government in waiting without leadership and a leadership team that commands the respect and support of not only members.but Labour voters and potential Labour voters”.

And a Corbyn victory will exacerbate the rift between Labour MPs, three quarters of whom have backed a motion of no confidence in Mr Corbyn, and the mostly young activists around the country for whom Corbyn’s election previous year has given a new meaning and objective to politics. She said: “He has been hiding behind a door not talking to his MPs – that’s not leadership”.

In a swipe at his rival Ms Eagle, the former shadow work and pensions minister will say that only he can unite the fractured party.

“It was understandable when the born again Blairites were plotting against Corbyn, and then it increased into the coup last week, the avalanche”.

Mr Smith postponed the launch of his leadership campaign, scheduled for Friday, following the previous night’s terror attacks in Nice.

The Labour Party declined to comment on the suspension of its Brighton and Hove branch, saying only: “We do not comment on private meetings or ongoing investigations”.


He was due to say: “This is a moment of deep peril for Labour, if we carry on as we are the party I love will end up in a disastrous spilt”. Any complaints of bullying or intimidation and allegations of misconduct are always taken very seriously.

Labour Party awaits key leadership ruling, Corbyn's fate in balance