
Jeremy Corbyn indicates he thinks Britain should stay in European Union

In the six days since his election, Corbyn has clarified or moderated several of his positions.


“Time will tell”.

Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron has promised to hold a referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union by 2017, and plans to campaign for Britain to remain a member subject to his securing changes to the terms of its membership.

The pressure on Mr Corbyn was led by his shadow foreign secretary Hilary Benn and Pat McFadden, the party’s Blairite Europe spokesman, who has kept his job after insisting on a pro-Europe stance from Mr Corbyn.

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Former Labour chancellor Alistair Darling has said he is struggling to “see a silver lining” in Jeremy Corbyn’s election as Labour leader.

DUP MP Jeffrey Donaldson said Mr McDonnell must make it clear that there is no justification for political violence.

“To use the words he did so explicitly back then, they don’t sound like chance remarks that were thrown out in the hope that he was assisting the Peace Process”.

The Richmond Park and North Kingston MP was speaking about the newly-elected Labour leader at a Tory mayoral candidate hustings in Wandsworth Town Hall last night.

Despite the lack of enthusiasm for him among his own MPs and a hard first week in post, she said that Mr Corbyn will be able to harness the “surge of support” for policies, such as scrapping Trident and ending austerity, that gave the SNP victory in Scotland, wiping out Labour. “Obviously the past does come back to haunt you when your political position changes and you become high profile”.

Berger told the Jewish Chronicle on Wednesday that the decision to work with Corbyn was “not easy – I cannot honestly say I agree with everything the new leader has said over the years”.

He said: “I am envious of the public engagement”.

Mr Corbyn’s low-key approach in reading out questions from members of the public may have been novel and unimpeachably democratic, but it gave the Prime Minister the easiest ride he has experienced in the Commons, failed to challenge Government policies, nor indicated how Labour would do things better.


Asked whether he could envisage Mr McDonnell – whose appointment has been questioned by some MPs – as chancellor, Mr Darling said “just at the moment it seems to me to be hard but I am willing to be surprised”.

Nearly three in four people do not think Jeremy Corbyn looks like he will take the keys to No 10 according to research for The Independent