
Jeremy Corbyn pledges to pump £30bn into South East

Rowling has always been a prominent supporter of Labour, giving the party £1 million under the leadership of Gordon Brown.


In a follow-up statement the spokesman said: “Jeremy has consistently spoken out against all forms of anti semitism and has contacted Ruth Smeeth to express his outrage at the abuse and threats directed against her”.

Mr Evans told the Good Morning Wales programme: “I don’t know how the two sides can come together – I think there is a deep wedge in the Labour Party now”.

Smeeth, a prominent anti-racism campaigner, said the abuse started when she walked out of the launch of Labour’s anti-Semitism report in tears after being verbally attacked by a Momentum activist and Corbyn supporter.

“Look again and you will see the way in which a substantial number of women, who quite rightly take time out with maternity leave to look after their new-born child, end up finding themselves reduced in their work when they get back, discriminated against, or lost a place in the hierarchy in the company or place of work”, Corbyn said.

Mr Corbyn was expected to use a party leadership re-election campaign rally in Ramsgate on Saturday to say: “Labour’s investment commitment means delivering over £30 billion for the South East, and making sure that this funding goes to the places that need it most”.

“He must stand up and say enough is enough, and he has done nowhere near enough yet”.

In a statement to the BBC, Cobyn’s office said: “No abuse is carried out in Jeremy’s name and no one responsible for abuse is a genuine supporter of Jeremy’s, who has repeatedly called for a kinder gentler politics”.

Smith said in a statement, “Antisemitic abuse and violent threats against Ruth Smeeth, or anyone else, are completely unacceptable”.

“And anybody found guilty of that sort of abuse in the Labour Party should be kicked out”. “There can be no excuses for abuse, and it should never be ignored”.

But crucially, Mr Corbyn received far higher support than his rival among Labour supporters, receiving 41.4% favourable ratings compared with Mr Smith’s 23.7%.


“This will not happen if leading Labour figures continue to irresponsibly undermine the disciplinary process that has, often belatedly, led to the suspension of bigots”.

Unhappy with Corbyn Labour's 'money men&#039 channel funds in new directions