
Jeremy Corbyn’s energy policies naive and short-sighted, says Labour-backing GMB

Meanwhile, Owen Smith, his rival for the leadership, claimed that if Mr Corbyn won the Conservatives would remain in power for another decade.


Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale has distanced her party from comments made by a spokesman for Jeremy Corbyn on the EU.

“We support Jeremy Corbyn because he is the only one willing to speak up for working people, who have been badly treated by successive governments, including New Labour, in recent decades”, added drummer Jimmy Brown.

She said: “It would not be right for me or this government to give a running commentary on negotiations and it would not be right for us to prejudge those negotiations”.

Mr Corbyn will set out his plans to create an energy policy “for the 60 million, not the Big Six” if he becomes prime minister, including the creation of 300,000 jobs in the renewables sector.

As just over half of the local party members responded to the poll, Smith’s camp may claim it is unrepresentative, but the Corbyn camp points out that its statistics have in the past proved “highly accurate”.

Smith, the former shadow Work and Pensions Secretary, has refused to return to the shadow Cabinet if Corbyn is re-elected and has also offered the veteran left-winger the position of party president or chairman if he manages to unseat him.

“I’m pleased to hear Jeremy Corbyn declaring his commitment to implementing European Union environmental protections – something that Theresa May’s cabinet has so far failed to do”, said ClientEarth’s chief executive James Thornton.

Asked what politicians can learn from bands, Mr Corbyn said: “Teamwork. until they fall out”.

First, his team emailed BI a press release titled “Owen Smith warns the re-election of Corbyn could leave a generation without their own home” – an indictment of Corbyn’s leadership so severe it is borderline apocalyptic. Neither candidate knew the questions in advance.

The debate was held amid a row about Labour members being barred from voting in the leadership election.

“Scottish Labour is an autonomous party”.

But May said of modern Labour: “The train has left the station, the seats are all empty, the leader is on the floor – even on rolling stock they’re a laughing stock”.

“If the Labour leader is fully signed up to protecting the environment and tackling the UK’s air pollution crisis then we also would urge him to back our calls for a new Clean Air Act, which the London Mayor Sadiq Khan already supports”.


Some of Corbyn’s allies are concerned there is an orchestrated attempt to purge supporters of the leader from the party before the vote, although only a small proportion – less than 0.5% of the total membership – have been barred so far.

What happened when Jeremy Corbyn met UB40