
Jeremy Corbyn’s first wife backs rival for Labour leadership

A party spokeswoman declined to comment.


She admits to always having felt a certain amount of loyalty towards Jeremy Corbyn due to their past relationship, with this being the reason she voted for him last September, but come 2016 she was forced to accept that his flaws have led to the huge dive in support the party has been faced with recently.

A memo circulated to party employees reflects fears that tensions could spill over between activists following Jeremy Corbyn’s turbulent year as leader, which culminated in Owen Smith’s apparently doomed attempt to oust him.

At the weekend the boss of the Unite union, and a key Corbyn ally, Len McCluskey, hinted that the party could try to replace Labour MPs disloyal to the leadership.

Writing in The New Statesman, he said: “The main charge against Jeremy Corbyn is not just that his strategy is undesirable because it makes the party unelectable”.

“That is only half the story”.

“Stop obsessing about the party issues and devote your considerable talent and experience to the one thing that really matters – the fast-approaching catastrophe of Brexit”, pleaded commentator Polly Toynbee in The Guardian, a newspaper read by many Labour supporters.

Gavin Callaghan, leader of Basildon Labour group, believes Mr Corbyn’s potential re-election as leader will be “a huge step backwards”.

“Anti-austerity speeches can not explain everything; corporate taxation can not pay for everything”.

“It doesn’t add up. If I am re-elected leader, I will reach out to and work with all Labour MPs to form a broad and effective opposition to this divisive and floundering Tory Government”.

“This film is worth watching because it accurately shows the attitude of most Corbyn supporters to communal concerns about anti-Semitism”, said Mark Gardner, who heads the Community Security Trust which organizes security for the UK’s Jewish community, according to the Jewish News.

The Labour leader has come under fire for referring to Iranian-backed Islamist groups Hamas and Hezbollah as “friends”, which Corbyn dismissed as a diplomatic term meant to engage with the groups.

She will say that Labour should be leading the way in opposing hate crime, adding: “But instead, some members of our party are hurling words such as “Zio scum”, “murderous traitor, “faggot”, dyke” and “Paki” at each other”.

Bassetlaw MP John Mann branded Mr Smith’s as being the “wrong man, at the wrong time with the wrong policies” as he launched a scathing attack on the “beauty contest” tactics. “What surprised me in the last few days is that we have not had any calls for unity from Owen Smith”, a spokesman said.

Mr Corbyn lost a confidence vote among his own MPs by a margin of 172-40 in the Brexit result.

Corbyn was a longtime critic of party policy under former centrist prime minister Tony Blair and was elected only in 2015 with support from older leftists and younger anti-austerity campaigners.


But Corbyn and his allies realise “this is the one golden opportunity for the far left and they won’t give up voluntarily”, he said.

Jane Barlow  PA Wire
Jeremy Corbyn