
Jeremy Corbyn Says All Labour MPs Will Face Reselection Before 2020 Election

A spokesperson said: “Whilst still members of the Shadow Cabinet Owen Smith, Lisa Nandy, John Healey, Nia Griffith and Kate Green met with Jeremy to discuss the future of the party”.


The Hereford and South Hereford Labour Party has called a special general meeting which will take place at 7pm on Wednesday, July 27 at the Railway Club. “We’ve got a leader that doesn’t have the confidence of his Members of Parliament and isn’t reaching out to the country”, she said.

This could have something to do with a YouGov Labour member poll released on Tuesday which suggested that Corbyn had more support than both Smith and Eagle put together, with 54% compared to Eagle’s 21% and Smith’s 15%.

The Labour Party has received 183,541 applications in 48 hours from people who want to vote in its leadership election.

But she made a decision to withdraw last night after it emerged that fellow contender Owen Smith had secured more nominations from Labour MPs and MEPs.

Meanwhile, the Saving Labour campaign urged those opposed to Mr Corbyn’s leadership to sign up as registered supporters, saying: “Britain and Labour needs new, strong leadership for the months ahead”. But the sitting MP will have an opportunity to put their name forward.

His supporters say he is the “unity” candidate to get the estranged Parliamentary Labour Party back into a functioning relationship with the growing membership base and leadership.

People could register as supporters – giving them a one-off vote – by paying £25 and stating they “share” Labour’s aims and values.

“In this case the court finds that Mr Corbyn is a member of the Labour Party who is particularly affected and particularly interested in the proper construction of the rules, and his interest in that regard is of a significantly different quality than that of other members”.

The only candidate against Corbyn is now former opposition Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Owen Smith, whom Eagle said she would back “with all her might and enthusiasm”. The first report on the changes will be out in the autumn and they will be implemented in 2018.

“We can’t deny the facts that this wasn’t something we saw in the Labour party before Jeremy Corbyn became leader”.

“We have seen intolerance in the party, abuse in the Labour party that we have never seen before”. She said I shouldn’t have stated that I was joining to support Jeremy Corbyn as the NEC is dealing with applications and they are full of Blairites.


Corbyn is contesting the election against Owen Smith and the result is scheduled to be announced during the party’s annual conference on September 24.

National News: Jeremy Corbyn would beat single Labour leadership challenger, poll finds