
Jeremy Corbyn thanks David Cameron for equal marriage in final PMQs session

Colleagues have described her as tough-minded and well-briefed on her portfolio of issues, which included the fight against Islamist extremist violence and policing of the country’s borders.


Corbyn is fighting to retain his position after a dramatic loss of support among his party’s members of Parliament.

But today the country is much stronger, our economy is immeasurably stronger…

Cameron resigned after making a brief statement outside the prime minister’s residence, his home for more than six years.

Mr Cameron appeared to enjoy his last appearance, mixing answers to policy questions with light-hearted moments, good wishes for MPs on all sides and an admission that he would miss “the roar of the crowd”.

“And when I say willing you on I don’t just mean willing on the new Prime Minster at this despatch box or indeed just willing on the frontbench defending the manifesto that I helped to put together”.

How did we get here?

He insisted there will be “plenty more to come” for Theresa May after telling MPs he has asked Mr Cameron 179 questions.

“He successfully occupied the centre ground of British politics and it is essential that our party continues to do that”.

Meanwhile, Theresa May was clearing out the cabinet atop which they sat for the past six years, with very few cabinet ministers of yesterday remaining in post.

What lies ahead for May?

Larry, who was re-homed from Battersea Dogs and Cats Home in 2011, was said to have a “strong predatory drive” that suggested he would be well-suited to the task of rat catching.

Later, she tapped Johnson as foreign secretary and Fox as secretary of state for worldwide trade.

He added: “We thank the Prime Minister for all his hard work and his leadership particularly his commitment to the Union and to Northern Ireland, visiting it often and swimming in Lough Erne”.

Fox marked the last of Wednesday’s appointments, May’s office said.

She is then expected to make her first official speech as British Prime Minister outside the same famous black door in London later on Wednesday evening.

“The prime minister’s legacy will undoubtedly be that he has taken us to the brink of being taken out of the European Union, so we will not be applauding his premiership on these benches”, said Scots Nationalist MP Angus Robertson.

Sturgeon offered her congratulations to May, expressing hope that “despite our differences”, they can have a constructive working relationship.

May has indicated however that she will not be rushed into triggering the formal procedure for Brexit.

“They pledged to actively pursue the development of the bilateral friendly relationship between France and the United Kingdom in all areas”, Hollande’s office said.

Britain’s new PM: Who is Theresa May?


Looking back to when Mr Cameron was first selected as Witney’s Conservative parliamentary candidate in 2001, his former election agent Sir Barry Norton said: “I have watched David’s meteoric rise with great pride since he came to Witney in 2000”.

David Cameron hums cheerfully to himself after announcing that Theresa May will be new PM