
Jeremy Corbyn: Tom Watson is talking nonsense – and he knows it

Many MPs and political commentators expect Corbyn to be declared the victor when the result is announced at Labour’s annual conference in Liverpool from September 24.


The leadership vote comes after Labour MPs signed a vote of no confidence in Mr Corbyn, who won an overwhelming victory among members in last summer’s leadership contest.

Jeremy Corbyn’s man in Scotland weighed into Labour’s civil war by mocking claims from the party’s deputy leader that it is being infiltrated by Trotskyists.

“Many people in the Labour Party are asking themselves why the views of MPs are so at odds with those of party members”, Mr Hedges wrote in an article for the pro-Corbyn group Welsh Labour Grassroots.

In a week’s time members of Britain’s Labour Party will receive ballot papers that could determine whether the party survives or disappears. Alongside Watson, McNicol then forced through the appeal of the High Court’s ruling.

“This time around what’s really convinced me is, given how much the government’s counter-terrorism policy has affected young Muslims in particular, Jeremy’s stance on Prevent has really convinced me”.

The current NEC has already been repudiated by the membership. And the NEC will no doubt ask him questions and he will probably give answers on it.

“It said there is very clear under-utilisation of private sector in the NHS and it set about putting in place a new work programme that would guarantee that more clinical services were being undertaken by private sector providers in the NHS”. Even former mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, was suspended by Corbyn in April for denouncing Israel’s crimes against the Palestinian people and arguing that Adolf Hitler, the former leader of Nazi Germany, was a supporter of Zionism.

Owen Smith, Corbyn’s sole challenger for the leadership, was rarely mentioned during the two-hour-long rally (at least by name).

The Corbyn campaign said it was delighted with the endorsements. “There was a lot of booing at the event last night”.

“Corbyn and his leadership team have no respect for others and worse, no respect for the rule of law”.

“There is a panic room being fitted in my office, I now walk around with an alarm system that means people can listen to conversations”, she said. Instead, he legitimised their efforts as a democratic expression of the wishes of the electorate.

Speaking at the Edinburgh Book Festival, Bragg, who has repeatedly lent Corbyn his backing, said Labour was failing to articulate new ideas, such as federalism for English regions.


He concluded with yet another plea for unity: “They can take a position, and they have done. We are all selected and promoted and supported by members of the Labour Party”.

No Votes For 130,000 Labour Members After Court Case Dropped