
Jeremy Corbyn will sing national anthem at ceremonial events, Labour says

Jeremy Corbyn marked his first major public speech since winning control of the opposition Labour Party by telling union members that the Conservative government was declaring war on organised labour.


He has suggested some questions the public might like addressed.

Osborne, who is now frontrunner to succeed Prime Minister David Cameron as Conservative leader ahead of the 2020 election, warned that Corbyn’s ideas would undermine the Bank of England’s independence and undo a generation of work by both his own Conservative party and previous Labour governments.

Former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis, whose anti-austerity party Syriza has attracted comparisons with Corbyn, welcomed his election at a People’s Assembly Against Austerity event held in a church building in central London.

To me this whole “Labour is now unelectable because it will not have our support any more” scene, sounds much like blackmailing.

“Bombing alone will not reach a peaceful settlement to anything”, Corbyn’s deputy Tom Watson told the BBC on Sunday, adding that the Labour Party would need to know what the mission was and how much it would cost before taking a decision.

The veteran leftist and one-time party outsider vowed to fight the bill after he swept to victory over the weekend, backed by a dramatic surge of grassroots support and endorsement from Labour’s traditional backbone, the trade unions. Simply put, Jeremy Corbyn’s message resonated with so many people because it was filled with hope, determination and good common sense.

Mr Cairns replied: “He has a point, Mr Speaker”.

Mr Corbyn wrote to supporters on the evening after he was elected leader. For he will be tested by the fire of a right-wing media that has unlimited resources, dubious ethics and a commitment to preserve the status-quo that favours the rich over everyone else.

His comments were made after it was reported that past year the pay of the bosses of Britain’s top companies continued to move away from the rest of society with the average FTSE 100 chief executive earning 183 times more than a typical United Kingdom worker; in 2010, it was 160 times higher. Social pressure now seems to force them to look for more justice, equality and humanity in their behaviours.

“If we are able to change PMQs and make it a more genuine exercise…no one would be more delighted than me”, he said.


Thus, Corbyn’s opponents might not be scared of his electoral chances, but they might want to re-estimate his impact on current political discourse, which has been ruled by right-wingers for decades.

Jeremy Corbyn not singing during the national anthem