
Jeremy Corbyn wins backing of 84% of local Labour parties

Corbyn allies have described the group as “the Blairites” new Tory-lite party” and as “the new financial coordinating centre for those planning to split from the Labour Party when Jeremy Corbyn wins’.


Criticism of the embattled Labour leader has been mounting in the wake of the June 23 vote for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union. While Smith has made policy a large part of his leadership bid, he has also put a lot of focus on Corbyn’s style of leadership, but it seems this may have had a limited effect: just 22 per cent say leadership skills will be how they come to their decision.

Speaking after the meeting, Sefton Central chairman, Andy Wilson said this was a decisive victory for Jeremy Corbyn.

Mr Corbyn is now squaring off against Pontypridd MP Owen Smith to become leader of the opposition and won overwhelming backing from local constituency parties.

Last Monday, the five campaigners had won a High Court battle against Labour’s ruling body, paving the way for all members who joined after 12 January to vote in next month’s election between Jeremy Corbyn and Owen Smith.

A former Labour candidate for Cornwall has sparked a backlash from Jeremy Corbyn supporters after comparing them to Nazi “stormtroopers”.

Jess Phillips, an outspoken critic of the Labour leader, has said the levels of abuse within the party had become so bad that she would consider sitting as an independent unless the treatment of MPs “dramatically” changed.

The directors of Labour Tomorrow were brought on board on the day that a motion of no confidence in Mr Corbyn was passed by MPs.

He said: “During the summer I’m looking at trying to work out ways you can rebuild a front bench to bring the party back together again”.

Many of those at the rallies turned out to support Corbyn because he represents an alternative to the politics of austerity and racism. “I don’t think they’re Trotskyists”.

“I respect completely Jeremy’s right to reshuffle his top team”. I have never claimed that hundreds of thousands of new joiners are revolutionary socialists and those who claim I did are attacking a straw man.

Thousands turned out to support Corbyn at rallies in towns and cities such as Milton Keynes, Bristol and Sunderland last week.


“The Labour Party is in a very hard position at the moment, with a lot of abuse being thrown around”, Ms Phillips told BBC Radio 4’s World At One in an interview recorded at the end of last month.

Glasgow. The BBC's first televised EU referendum debate was held in Glasgow in front of an audience of eighteen