
Jesse Ventura: Why voters should listen to Gov. Gary Johnson

“At a minimum, I think we’re in the presidential debates”, Johnson told cheering fans at the Orlando convention, and offered a glimpse of the what a Libertarian presence at the presidential debate might sound like.


The Libertarian Party is the only third party that has ballot access in every US state, meaning that Johnson will be the only other person on the ballot besides Trump and the likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

Gary Johnson, who secured the Libertarian Party’s 2016 nomination for president over the weekend, blew presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump a kiss to close out a television interviewon Tuesday. Recent polls show Johnson at 10% in a three-way competition with Trump and Clinton. He’s going to be fiscally conservative and socially liberal.

“Frankly it’s a relief not to have to carry the Republican Party’s anti-choice, anti-marriage-equality and anti-social-freedom positions around on my back as I’ve had to do for the last 30 years”, Weld told convention delegates. Weld backed Ohio Gov. John Kasich in the Republican primary and joined the Libertarian Party just two weeks ago.

We’ll have to see if Johnson pulls a Nader, and swings the election one way or the other.

The Libertarian Party of Arkansas is hoping to ride high hopes for its presidential ticket to automatic placement on the state’s ballot in future elections. If you are not a fan of Republican Donald Trump or Democrat Hillary Clinton, explore your third party options.

But perhaps the best way to attract media attention as a political party member would be to strip down to a thong and dance in front of delegates to your party’s convention?

Johnson spent most of his acceptance speech and post-nomination press conference pleading for Weld’s nomination as vice president. “I’m gonna go ahead and drop out”, he said.

Johnson was the party’s nominee in 2012, getting about 1 percent of the general election vote.


In 2012, Obama and Romney spent over a billion dollars each, a figure Trump and Clinton, if she is the Democratic nominee, are expected to also reach. Johnson said “it’s not the end of the world” if he doesn’t win the party nod.

Gary Johnson