
‘Jill not Hill’ – Green Party’s Stein seeks Sanders’ backers

Stein, who took the stage in a sleeveless top and green scarf, introduced by Cornel West and hailed by a roaring crowd chanting “Jill not Hill”, welcomed Sanders supporters to her party, calling the move a “marriage made in heaven”.


“For too long America has played the short-term game and I think it’s time for us to play the long-term game”, she said.

“If we were in Europe right now, in Germany or elsewhere, the idea of coalition politics of different parties coming together – you’ve got a left party, you’ve got a center-left party, coming together against the center-right party”, he said, before speaking more bluntly. “So we walked out”.

Because Sanders and Stein share common ground on a lot of issues, “I’ll figure it out on the other side of today”, Keeley said.

According to a Washington Post study, the newspaper determined 9 percent of Sanders supporters will back Mr. Trump during the general election. Clean energy groups protested on Sunday, with easily 5000 protesters, perhaps more.

“Last night was a lot more fun than at the infomercial”, Proctor said yesterday.

When Silverman was greeted by some boos from Sanders supporters in the convention hall, she retorted, “To the Bernie or Bust people, you are being ridiculous”.

As Americans we are better than this. That was an interesting sit-in.

“A revolutionary campaign deserves a revolutionary party”, Stein continued.

Statewide Supporters of third-party Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein see Bernie Sanders’ failed Democratic campaign as an opportunity for their candidate to pick up new momentum and voters.

“She had about 12 people”, Proctor said. Her statement echoes the words of many others in previous years, including Theodore Roosevelt, who once told the world that “presidents are selected, not elected”, and that “behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people”. Back in April, she went so far as to invite the Vermont senator to work with the Green Party to “ensure the revolution for people, planet and peace will prevail”. “We should have the strength of our convictions knowing we are not just a marginal footnote in the debate here”, Stein told TIME in an interview.

Set the specifics of the criticism aside, though, and note this: Stein is warranting coverage in national newspapers and on networks, including the website of the conservative Fox News. Growing up, Stein said, she “really had the values of the Old Testament, the golden rule, really very much drummed into my upbringing”. “She has never been”. Though she is a soft-spoken doctor-turned-activist, she is not running a sanitary campaign for president. Johnson, a US citizen who lives in Thailand, added that Stein represents the real alternative now that Sanders has endorsed Clinton. She spoke to a crowd of several hundred people at FDR Park in early evening, drawing raucous cheers as she called on Sanders’ supporters to join her cause.

Stein, surrounded by Bernie or Bust and Green Party campaign signs, touched on topics popular among Sanders supporters, including tolerance and inclusion, calls for increased action on climate and environmental issues and promises to eliminate student debt. “They were bringing us water” as the protesters caught glimpses of the convention’s TV coverage.

Manuel Martinez, a New York City resident attending the convention with a pair of groups pushing for immigration reform, said he favored the prospective nominee’s pledge to act on immigration reform within her first 100 days in office. “But I don’t think that bothers them”. But, “Ben Jealous doesn’t know what a fascist is, and could care less; he only knows that his job is to keep Black people inside Hillary Clinton’s big corporate tent”. She asked Sanders supporters for their votes while knocking the DNC for undermining the campaign of one of their own.


Stein refuses to take part in the corrupt two-party system and has been vocal about Sanders dropping out of the race and endorsing Clinton. To me, Jill Stein looks like the best candidate right now, but a person who is honest and unpaid will never gain power.

Faced with Trump and Clinton, Americans yearn for third choice