
Jim Carrey blasts new California vaccination law

ACTOR Jim Carrey has gone on a Twitter rant criticising California’s decision to impose mandatory vaccination laws, claiming they can poison children.


But measles made a comeback after the anti-vaccination movement gained momentum recently and some parents stopped vaccinating their children.

Carrey has been an activist on the hotly debated issue since his relationship with Jenny McCarthy, who believes her son’s autism was caused by vaccines.

California Gov says yes to poisoning more children with mercury and aluminum in manditory vaccines.

The actor, 53, believes there is a link between vaccines and autism and called Brown a “corporate fascist” after he signed into law one of the strictest immunization programs in the country Tuesday.

But Carrey expressed outrage in a series of tweets.

Carrey assertively questioned that when mercury is considered unsafe for fish, why it is forced in all our children by way of vaccines.

I am not anti-vaccine.

“I am anti-thimerosal, anti-mercury”, he said.

Carrey, meanwhile, continued his Twitter missive into Wednesday, telling his more than 14 million followers that “all we are saying is, ‘Take the neurotoxins out of the vaccines.’ Make them toxin free”.

“The CDC can’t solve a problem they helped start”, Carrey wrote. “It’s too risky to admit they have been wrong about mercury/thimerasol They are corrupt”.

Go to watch the documentary and judge for yourselves.

Deputy Director, National Centre for Immunisation Research & Surveillance (NCIRS) Associate Professor Kristine Macartney says thimerosal is not a harmful substance.

Besides naysayers Carey might also face challengers with some of his acting peers.


The measure, which requires almost all public schoolchildren to be vaccinated, follows an outbreak of measles at Disneyland late previous year. Bell once discussed a time when her 2-year-old daughter was born in the midst of the whooping cough epidemic.

Anti-Vaxxers Vow Legal Challenges Civil Disobedience After CA Vaccination Law Signed