
Jimmy Carter Reveals His Liver Cancer Has Spread to His Brain

He will get stereotactic radiation to the brain – a long-standing treatment for brain metastases – and the best available drugs, she said. One is to boost the immune system against the melanoma cells. In the past few years, researchers have made a lot progress towards finding treatments for this aggressive cancer. He has four treatments scheduled at three-week intervals.


“I wish I had sent one more helicopter to get the hostages, and we would have rescued them and I would have been re-elected”, he said to wide laughter in the room. Doctors said the small spots were about 2 millimeters in size. The process “is practically dormant”, said Carter, laying the bulk of blame on Israel for refusing to recognize Palestinian statehood.

Ms. Peters predicts Mr. Carter will continue to focus his attention on protecting women and girls from human-rights abuses, the subject of his 2014 book A Call to Action. His first radiation treatment was set for Thursday afternoon.

He appeared at the news conference in a dark blazer, red tie and jeans and was surrounded by friends and family. He added, “You heard President Carter“.

This weekend, relatives will gather in his tiny hometown of Plains, Georgia, to celebrate his wife’s 88th birthday. There’s no question here about why he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002, unlike the award given to President Obama shortly after he took office.

Carter’s team of doctors at Emory Health Care includes Dr. Walter Curran Jr., who runs Emory’s Winship Cancer Institute. He lost his father and all his siblings to pancreatic cancer. An MRI revealed there were four spots of melanoma on his brain.

Dr. Antoni Ribas, director of the University of California, Los Angeles’ Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center Tumor Immunology Program, agreed.

CORNISH: So speaking in general terms, what’s the prognosis for someone in Jimmy Carter’s position? It was under Carter’s watch that Iran’s revolutionaries stormed the American Embassy in Tehran in November 1979, incensed by U.S. support of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, who was seen by his people as increasingly corrupt and oppressive.

When asked for his reaction at the press conference, Carter, 90, calmly said that he has led a “wonderful life”, and was “pleasantly surprised” about how he was feeling. I’m ready for anything.

“I think I would have been reelected easily if I had been able to rescue our hostages from the Iranians”, Carter told MSNBC past year. His “plainspoken” nature helped Democrats retake the White House in 1976 in the wake of President Richard Nixon’s resignation.

Doctors also removed a small tumor from his liver on August. 3.

With a broad smile and an upbeat attitude, former President Jimmy Carter told the world Thursday that he has cancer in his brain, and feels “perfectly at ease with whatever comes”.

Jason Carter discussed his grandfather’s cancer diagnosis, the future of the Carter Center and more on “Closer Look”.

Information on the church’s website, however, shows that Carter’s class starts at 10 a.m. EDT.

The event is closed to the public.

Melanoma accounts for approximately 5% of all new cancer diagnoses in the United States. The three-sentence statement didn’t identify the type of cancer or where it originated.

The former president said he’s going to cut back on some of his worldwide humanitarian work.


“First and foremost, our hearts and our prayers go out to President and Mrs. Carter”, said Monforton.

Former President Jimmy Carter takes questions from the media during a news conference about his recent cancer diagnosis and treatment plans