
Jimmy Fallon Convinces Harrison Ford To Do A Greedo Shot First

Harrison Ford got physical with a Han Solo doll on Tuesday’s episode of “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon”. And I said, ‘Yeah, he should be John Wayne.’ And when you’re John Wayne, you don’t shoot people [first] – you let them have the first shot.


From the moment he stepped out onto the stage, Ford was his typical surly self, though not as bizarrely out of it as he has been on Conan O’Brien’s show. Harrison also made sure Jimmy knew that he was an Academy Award nominated actor. “Don’t you get it?”

As you’ll see in the clip below, both Ford and Fallon laugh a lot at the mention of director J.J.

But the best was yet to come, as Fallon then brought up Ford’s injury on “The Force Awakens”.

The Greedo shot, of course, gets its name from the Star Wars character Ford’s Han Solo kills in the 1977 original film. Then, he tore off the Han Solo figure’s foot, and trousers, for good measure, to show Fallon just how much it hurt. Ford ripped the doll’s left foot clean off, followed by part of its head and its trousers, revealing one of those pubic bulges male dolls have in lieu of genitals.

“Did you get emotional when you put the wardrobe again?”


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