
Jimmy Fallon does spot-on Donald Trump impersonation

I certainly will not apologise for doing good journalism, so I’ll continue doing my job without fear or favour”, she said during the Monday night broadcast of her Fox News show The Kelly File.


Fox News commentator Megyn Kelly remains defiant despite assaults on her competence and fairness by Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump.

In a statement Monday evening, Ailes described the conversation as “blunt but cordial” and said the air had been cleared. “But I do want to keep that door open in case I don’t get treated fairly”, Trump said.

She went on to note that Trump thought her debate questions about his controversial comments toward women were “unfair” and a personal attack on him.

Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly has addressed her battle with Donald Trump.

Donald Trump’s plans to make America great again are going to include a lot of whining. “His word is always good!” “You want to know the truth”, said Trump.

And Trump also refuted a report that he was considering ruling out a third-party run.

The Republican businessman insists he said nothing inappropriate, but that did little to silence his critics.

But Femsplain founder Amber Gordon is not so sure, which is why she prompted women to use #periodsarenotaninsult to share live menstruation updates with Trump on Twitter.

“I felt he was asked a tough but fair question”, she said about Trump’s record of misogynistic comments. Despite the appeals, campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks said that Mr Trump will continue to finance the campaign, but has “been overwhelmed by unsolicited contributions”. I’ve decided not to respond.

In a separate interview Monday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe“, Trump was coy when asked whether he’d spoken to Ailes or anyone else at Fox News over the weekend to settle their differences. Trump pushed that idea aside saying Jeb Bush is the one who needs to apologize to women. “This is a tough business and it is time now to move forward”.


After examining the most recent public statements Trump and Ailes released about the fight, Beck and co-hosts Pat Gray and Stu Burguiere noted that there was a difference between their takes on how the discussion happened.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump