
Jindal, done with attacking Christie for now, turns to Trump’s ‘insane comments’

They have a case. What Trump’s fans love about him is that he does go too far, that he entertains by being outrageous, because they see that as thumbing his nose at a discredited political establishment. Trump asked during a speech Thursday night. “His voice was hoarse, his hair mussed, his tone defensive”. (The events in Paris are unlikely to make his ideas more sensible or kind.) But he hasn’t only recently wandered into the arena, making it harder to count on him getting bored and wandering off. In Iowa, Trump also mentioned that he owned a single store that was worth more than Mitt Romney’s entire fortune. Trump seemed to be in a good mood. Apparently he talked longer than usual, but he’s an exuberant type.


The above is a line from one of my favorite movies of the last few years: Snowpiercer, a post-apocalyptic story of the planet’s last remaining survivors, living aboard a perpetually-moving train in a new ice-age. A speech with the Tourette’s episodes and the Carson interlude ought to be unusual all the way around.

On Thursday, Trump mocked Carson’s claim that he attempted to stab a friend or relative and that Carson’s knife blade broke before he could succeed. I mean, ostensibly that’s what Trump was doing. It is said that his last debate on Tuesday as well as his appearance on Saturday Night Live have supplied all the factors to his surge. Next stop he’ll be reaching behind himself and scooping out invisible handfuls for flinging; he’ll say he’s demonstrating how Carson’s pants are a bad fit.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) follows at 9 percent, while Jeb Bush, Sen. It messes with his system.

While the performance won’t change her mind about supporting him, she said she’d be relaying her concerns to Trump’s team in Iowa.

Carson’s top aide fired back saying Trump was “bitter and rambling”. On Thursday we saw Trump’s self-control burst.

“I’m not saying it. He actually said ‘pathological temper,’ and then he defined it as disease”, Trump said.

Trump repeated similar comments he made earlier on CNN’s “Erin Burnett OutFront” comparing Carson’s self-described “pathology” related to his anger issues to that of a child molester.

Trump also stands to benefit if the conversation about resettling refugees gets wrapped in the larger debate over immigration, an issue that so far has been the defining one in the GOP race.

“You would know something about pathological”, Fiorina said of Trump.

In addition to Trump’s overly dramatic attitude, he was implying that Carson’s story was in fact not real.

“People are really perplexed by his comments”, said Jeff Jorgensen, chairman of the Pottawatomie County Republicans in Iowa. “Had there been other people carrying weapons, you would have had a lot different story, believe me”.

The attacks seem certain to heighten the importance of foreign policy in an election where it hasn’t been prominent. His personality doesn’t malfunction and cause problems. It’s set up wrong.

You win, Dr. Trump. “It’s another example of the sad state of affairs for the GOP, and a unsafe prospect for the nation if Trump or his followers are given the keys to the White House”.

In Trump world, everyone is stupid except Trump.

There has always been an aura of unreality around the Trump phenomenon – the unreality of reality TV.


The poll results also suggest that Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders is struggling in the run against Hillary Clinton, who remained the top choice for 63 percent of likely Democratic primary voters while Sanders saw only 29 percent of top votes from the 381 likely Democratic primary voters surveyed. The base doesn’t carry all that much from the past: a picture of Ronald Reagan, a clipping about Vince Foster or Monica Lewinsky. Ben Carson is a replacement, John McCain is a failed memory, and POWs are no memory at all.

How Smart Are New Yorkers