
JK Rowling: “Harry Is Done Now”

Turns out Fantastic Beasts and the Harry Potter series could share more than first thought. It’s now available as a book, which makes it the eighth story in the “Harry Potter” series.


It’s a pretty big weekend in J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

After the play, “Harry Potter and The Cursed Child” kicked off in London, author J.K Rowling released a script in book form, which left hundreds of Potter fans eager to read the story. “This is the next generation, you know”, Rowling added.

Spellbound Harry Potter fans in Belfast have queued until the magical hour of midnight to get their hands on the hotly anticipated new book.

Just moments after the two-part play premiered, the accompanying rehearsal script was released across the globe as the official eighth book in the fantasy series, almost a decade after the seventh novel, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, was published.

Rowling admitted that taking her beloved characters to the stage was the flawless way to return to the story, without actually writing another novel.

A few lucky others got a chance to see the play in the flesh, with the gala opening of the two-part play at London Theatre on Saturday.

That doesn’t mean we’ll never see Harry Potter again.

For one thing, most people were pretty sure the heroic story of Harry was over when he vanquished Voldemort at the end of the “Deathly Hallows” book.

But we’re probably getting ahead of ourselves. “We’re really happy Harry potter isn’t going away and Harry potter is staying with a whole new generation”.


The play’s premiere was accompanied by a midnight release of a book based on its script, which, of course, caused fan pandemonium.

NOV. 16 2001 Children wait for the noon showing of the first movie Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, in a theatre in Etobicoke