
Joe Biden calls out Donald Trump’s ‘malarkey’ in blistering speech

In perhaps the most stirring speech of the Democratic National Convention thus far, Vice President Joe Biden, animated and emphatic, tore into Donald Trump, calling the GOP nominee.


But aside from his takedown of the Republican presidential nominee, Biden praised the Democrat’s own candidate, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who he said had breakfast at his house once a week during her tenure in the State Department.

Biden is seen as a crucial bridge to that group of voters – which he said earlier Wednesday had been largely overlooked by “limousine liberals” in the Democratic Party. Not just who she is, it is her life story. Tim Kaine, introduced himself to the nation.

Tump’s failings as a businessman and proposals as a candidate would damage the economy, threaten retirement savings, increase debt and unemployment, erode USA power and make communities less safe, Bloomberg said.

Obama planned to make the case that only Clinton has the knowledge and experience required to lead the nation through hard times. Obama said Clinton is trusted by world leaders and will keep America safe.

President Barack Obama said Wednesday America is already great and does not need some “self declared savior” like Donald Trump to fix it, as he told Americans only Hillary Clinton is fit to succeed him.

He also slammed Trump’s famous catchphrase..

The first two nights of the convention featured speakers who argued that America was great in part because of the growing inclusivity toward people of color, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. And if they are anxious about their economic status, Biden was basically asking, is the guy who loves to say “you’re fired” really the guy they trust to fix it? “I’m here alone without my mother, while too many politicians cower behind the gun lobby”.

There was some talk – mostly Democratic fantasies – about Biden potentially staying on as vice president, becoming Hillary Clinton’s running mate.

Ladies and gentlemen, let’s say the obvious, that is not Donald Trump’s story.

Democrats said the comments were the latest demonstration that Trump is unqualified to be commander in chief.

“We’ve had candidates before attempting to get elected by appealing to our fears, but they’ve never succeeded because we do not scare easily”.

“He’s trying to tell us he cares about the middle class”, Biden said. “Don’t forget it”, Biden said, raising his voice as the entire arena stood up and cheered. Biden says his challenge in dealing with his son’s death makes him appreciate “the unbreakable spirit of the people of America” who deal with problems every day with “so much less support”, but still “put one foot in front of the other”. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg made the case for Hillary Clinton, from the perspective of an independent (oligarch). Not only do we have the largest economy in the world, we have the strongest economy in the world. “Trump says he wants to run the nation like he’s run his business”.


“This very morning, he personally invited Russian Federation to hack us”, retired Navy Admiral John Hutson said.
