
Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren endorse Hillary Clinton for president

Warren’s endorsement came within hours of President Barack Obama formally giving his endorsement to Clinton’s candidacy.


The presumptive Democratic candidate for president, Hillary Clinton, met with left-leaning Senator Elizabeth Warren Friday at Clinton’s Washington home.

Sanders has vowed to stay in the race at least through Tuesday, when Washington, D.C., holds its primary.

You need Javascript and either Adobe Flash or Html5 to view this video. A Clinton campaign official says that Clinton thanked Warren for her endorsement, and the two also talked about working together over the course of the general election in order to stop Donald Trump.

He may have been beaten by Hillary Clinton but Bernie Sanders is still on the campaign trail. “And I’ve seen her determination to give every American a fair shot at opportunity, no matter how tough the fight – that’s what’s always driven her, and still does”, Obama said.

Moreover, signing on Warren as a running mate could energize a base that has its reservations about Clinton.

High-profile Democrats are now lining up behind Clinton. “Whatever the next President is, and God willing in my view it will be Secretary Clinton”, said the Vice President. It all starts on Wednesday, George, when president Obama will be campaigning with Hillary in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Should Clinton play the geographic card with her vice presidential pick, she might be better off opting for someone from a swing state – such as Ohio Sen.

In a Tuesday evening statement, the White House said Obama had called Clinton to congratulate her on “securing the delegates necessary to clinch the Democratic nomination for president”.

He also said he’d bring his campaign platform to the Democratic National Convention, suggesting he’d either do so as a candidate or by brokering a deal with the Clinton camp.

Standing in her way is bombastic businessman Donald Trump, who shocked the world by becoming the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.

Although he stopped short of endorsing Mrs Clinton, the Vermont senator told reporters he planned to press for his “issues” – rather than victory – at the party’s July convention and would meet her “in the near future” to discuss ways of defeating Mr Trump.


Her response was concise: “Yes, I do”.

Hillary Clinton has made a bid to win the support of the Democrats progressive wing