
Joe Biden’s Fiery Speech: ‘Never, Never, Never’

“Throughout her time in the Senate, we didn’t always agree-but she always listened”.


Biden says the 21st century “is going to be the American century”.

Thus did a leader who won office promising “change we can believe in” turn to the task of defending continuity we can believe in. “That’s a bunch of malarky”, Biden said. “God bless the United States of America”, the President concluded. “And we can’t afford to make that choice!”

“To state the obvious – and I’m not trying to be a wise guy here – that’s not Donald Trump’s story”, Biden said.

Chelsea Clinton will join her mother in addressing the convention earlier in the primetime slot.

According to Deadline, an estimated 24.2 million viewers watched the president address the crowd in the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia Wednesday night.

“This is not your typical election”, Obama said at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. He contemplated a presidential run this year but was not ready after the death of his son.

Today, Donald Trump once again took Russia’s side.

Vice President Joe Biden is paying tribute to President Barack Obama at the Democratic convention, calling Obama the “embodiment of honor, resolve and character”. Vice President Biden came in second.

“I think it’s fair to say this is not your typical election”. But there is more: Both must grapple with an impatience embodied in Bernie Sanders’s campaign and a right-wing nationalism that disdains the quietly rational, socially tolerant, policy-oriented liberalism that animates their approach to governing.

He even told a self-deprecating joke – which apparently is a convention no-no whether you’re Dem or GOP – by saying when he’s been called “Middle class Joe”, it means he’s not very sophisticated. In January, RedState’s Leon H. Wolf called Clinton “the least inspiring public speaker I have ever seen”. “Please stop this man now”.

Obama and Kaine know that Sanders accomplished something this year.

Donald Trump, part III: Yes, it’s the rival party’s convention and, yes, skewering the opponent is most sporting.

But a disruption began in the stands, as delegates bean chanting “No more war!” The former defense secretary and Central Intelligence Agency director questioned Trump’s ability to become commander in chief. Republicans last week painted a dark portrait of an America under siege, beset by criminals and terrorists.

My eyes drifted over to my fellow Hillary Clinton delegate Marilyn Hazel of Danvers several times last night.

There is one more day in the Democrats’ convention.

The first half of Biden’s speech was extremely Biden-y – an empathetic and solemn feel-gooder about overcoming the trials and difficulties of life.

Biden is praised for taking on the National Rifle Association in pushing for an assault weapons ban in the 1990s.

He further said that Clinton is the candidate who can keep the country safe. A billionaire businessman himself, Bloomberg took aim at Trump’s bankruptcies, reliance on foreign factories and other economic experience: “The richest thing about Donald Trump is his hypocrisy”.

However, he concluded the speech by saying, “Hillary Clinton will lead the next chapter”, NBC added.

Kaine, like Obama, reached out across the aisle by invoking the name of a different but equally revered and legendary Republican president as Reagan: Abraham Lincoln.

To Panetta, “it’s inconceivable to me that any presidential candidate would be this irresponsible”.

Trump also said “that’s”, not “that is”, if we want to split hairs on the issue.

Trump managed to spark howls of outrage from national security experts across the political spectrum with a freakish comment involving Russian Federation and Hillary Clinton’s emails.

In Hutson’s view, “that’s not law and order”. He made a compelling case that, compared with what a Trump presidency would look like, continuity is looking better by the day.


Republished with permission of the Associated Press.

AP News in Brief at 12:04 am EDT