
Joe Perry Collapses Onstage During Performance with Johnny Depp

As previously reported, Perry collapsed while The Hollywood Vampires were playing a concert in Coney Island, New York.


Perry, the longtime Aerosmith guitarist, was performing as part of the Hollywood Vampires, who performed Saturday night outside Seneca Niagara Casino.

Guitarist Joe Perry is in stable condition after collapsing during a Hollywood Vampires concert in Brooklyn Sunday night. EMT workers were on-scene and quickly revived the six-stringer before he was taken to a Brooklyn hospital. “He is stable right now, with family and is under the best care”, the tweet said.

“Joe Perry is stable and resting”, a band representative said, without offering further detail on his condition.

A video posted by a fan on social media shows Perry sitting down on stage and then walking off in the middle of a song.

Sujata Murthy, a spokeswoman at the band’s label, said that Perry “will rejoin his fellow Vampires on stage again soon” without giving a date.

And Donald Trump senior adviser Dan Scavino also sent well wishes via Twitter, with an emoji-filled tweet saying, “Thoughts and prayers are with @JoePerry for a speedy recovery”.

From Johnny Depp’s divorce and bar brawls to Joe Perry’s health issues, this has been a dramatic summer for the Vamps!

The Aerosmith lead guitarist is believed to have been moved to New York-Presbyterian Hospital’s Columbia University Medical Center. “Joe Perry.’ It was so sad”. Hollywood Vampires were formed a year ago, with Perry joining Cooper and Depp in a tribute to 1970s rock “n” roll.


Perry, Cooper, and Depp formed the Hollywood Vampires back in 2015, in homage to the legendary drinking club frequented by musicians during the 1970s.

Joe Perry Collapses Backstage at Hollywood Vampires Show