
Joe Ricketts plans to donate $1M to support Donald Trump campaign

The remaining $5 million will likely be routed through the Ricketts family, who are also expected to make significant contributons to the Trump campaign, CNN says.


And Joe Ricketts, the founder of TD Ameritrade AMTD, +0.87% who donated millions of dollars to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s presidential campaign before pouring $6 million together with his wife into an anti-Trump super PAC, in a stunning reversal now plans to give at least $1 million to a group backing Trump.

The surge of funds means that areas with competitive congressional races will be swamped with commercials in the last seven weeks of the 2016 cycle, and it comes as Republicans have improved their chances of holding the Senate. Obviously, the Ricketts tried to use their money and clout to empower an anybody but Trump GOP Presidential nominee; and that effort failed. Their super Political Action Committee, Ending Spending Action, already has a hand in down ballot races. But it remains to be seen how much of their funds will bolster GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, despite Sheldon Adelson’s reported promise to spend up to $100 million on his behalf.

“I hope so”, Baker said, although he noted that he first heard about the potential donation from the CNN report.

“You may not like Trump’s style or what he says on Twitter, but this country needs strong executive leadership more today than at nearly any point in its history”, Adelson wrote.

Future45 spent more than $1 million earlier this year on TV and online ads hammering Clinton on her foreign policy record and ties to big banks. They better be careful, they have a lot to hide!

Cubs Chairman Tom Ricketts, Joseph and Marlene Ricketts’ son, responded later that month.

“It’s a little surreal when Donald Trump threatens your mom”, Ricketts said.


The Ricketts are the 66th wealthiest family in America, and a group of extreme right-wing zealots. He was so disappointed by Ted Cruz’s speech at the Republican convention, during which Cruz did not endorse Trump, that he refused to let the Texas senator enter his donor suite. He endorsed Trump in May, the Tribune reports.

Ricketts Spent Millions Bashing Trump Now Wants to Pay Donald a Million to Beat Hillary