
Joe Walsh continues to defend threatening Obama tweet

Walsh is a former politician and current conservative radio talk show host who is known for his history of using “racially charged language” on-air. Walsh accused Obama and Black Lives Matter of causing the attack.


After the “Watch out Obama” tweet was deleted, Walsh said on Twitter that he wasn’t trying to promote violence. But then, at some late hour of the night, I went to Walsh’s website and sent him a note through the “contact” form, thinking that some intern would surely delete the request.

‘It’s time for patriotic Americans to stand up & stand against all the Cop haters – from Obama to the thugs on the street, ‘ he wrote.

“I don’t believe we go kill people”, Walsh told AP. Obama’s words and BLM’s deeds have gotten cops killed. “I would never say anything as reprehensible as that”. Likewise, Jabari made it known that he wasn’t violent and wouldn’t be coming after Joe Walsh either.

At a peaceful anti-police brutality rally in Dallas sparked by these events, snipers opened fire targeting police, killing 5 officers and injuring 9 more, including two civilians.

Walsh said he tweeted that because he’s “pissed off” at how there’s “a war on our cops” and “it started with Barack Obama”.

“Joe Walsh threatens President Obama on Thursday”, added Huffington Post reporter Michael Calderone, sharing a Daily News story on Walsh’s initial salvo.

Many celebrities and athletes have taken to social media following the shooting of several cops, and death of five, in Dallas on Thursday. “Time for us to defend our cops”, he tweeted.

Walsh said some people on social media had called for the Secret Service or Federal Bureau of Investigation to arrest him – including singer John Legend, who tweets at johnlegend.

CNN anchor Don Lemon invited the former IL congressman on air to clarify the comments he made.


The president lamented that minorities are far more likely to be pulled over, arrested, and shot by law enforcement.

Former congressman criticized for tweet many believe directly threatened President Obama