
John Boehner Just Announced When He’s Resigning as Speaker of the House

The Republican from Ohio will leave office at the end of October.


Boehner took over the speakership in January 2011.

Boehner said he came to his decision Friday morning, a day after a historic visit to the Capitol by Pope Francis at his invitation.

“Either way, markets will not like the uncertainty around the debt ceiling, although we think that Congress – whoever the House leader is – will get it done”, Canally added.

U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, who’s running for president, received boisterous applause and a standing ovation when he informed a crowd at the Values Voter Summit in Washington that Boehner will resign.

That said, Mr. Boehner will be missed by Americans of all political persuasions who want Congress and the president to work together effectively.

Boehner “just does not want to become the issue”, said Rep. John Mica, a Republican.

And lately, that job has gotten a lot harder as conservatives rebel against more moderate party members. Tea partyers in the lower chamber are claiming a victory over establishment Republicans, to which Thornberry said some representatives are making comments simply to stay relevant in the conversation. “So for those reasons I believe replacing Boehner with somebody else may be a good thing”.

Over the past few years, Boehner has been villified as a pushover for the Democrats, as a captive of Washington lobbyists, and as a RINO – Republican In Name Only – all because he couldn’t get Obamacare repealed or impose deeper budget cuts.

King was joined by many in New York’s relatively moderate Republican delegation in praising Boehner’s work as speaker. “Despite presiding over the House during very challenging times for America, Speaker Boehner helped move our country forward, tirelessly advancing conservative, pro-growth policies and reforms.”, Kinzinger noted.

California Rep. Kevin McCarthy, the House majority leader arguably next in line for speaker, is very conservative but not a favorite of the tea party.

“I think it presents an opportunity for new leadership”, LaHood said.

Boehner clashed frequently in recent years with the far-right members of his caucus, who viewed Boehner as weak and unwilling to stand up for conservative principles even if it meant creating chaos.

With his unnatural-looking tan, relaxed and sociable demeanor, love of golf and well-known tendency to cry in public, Boehner was widely popular among House Republicans.

Rep. Lois Frankel, D-West Palm Beach: “My focus is on keeping the government open, not on the Republican speaker’s fight”.


In 2013, conservatives drove him to reluctantly embrace a partial government shutdown in hopes of delaying implementation of the new health care law.

John Boehner Just Announced When He's Resigning as Speaker of the House