
John Kasich: Balancing budget will take time

It will be up to Republican Gov. John Kasich (KAY’-sik) to call a special election to fill the Ohio congressional seat being vacated by House Speaker John Boehner (BAY’-nur). “What have they gotten done?” he asked.


Kasich also said he supported minority businesses having equal access to government contracts.

This reflects the complete chaos of the current Republican Party”. The man who says he knows how Washington works, added, “There ought to be a vote and there ought to be extreme measures taken in the United States Senate to achieve it”.

“It’s difficult for us to break with one party when the other party says such offensive things”, she said. “When a group of people connect themselves almost exclusively to one political party, then you don’t have any leverage”. “He spent a lot of money, and they ran out of their money”, he said.

“Find the (Republicans) who are going to be advocates of this… that everybody should have a chance to rise, that there ought to be opportunity for everyone”, Kasich said.

“‘Well, there’s three things you need to be -be President, in my opinion, ‘ said by a smart Democrat”. “Speaker Boehner stepping down is, sadly, a victory for the tea party, but a more conservative leadership will not solve any of America’s problems and will only further lead our nation down the wrong path.



From early on in his around 40 years as a career politician, Gov. Kasich has shown himself to be GOP through and through.

Ohio Governor John Kasich speaks to reporters