
John Kasich calls for ‘experienced’ Republican candidate

I’m sure Cruz is already being accused of “working the refs”. “Someone convinced you attacking me is going to help you”.


“Literally, the Senate, is it a French work week?”. You go onto a network that specializes in economic news, and you get questions like a few of the ones that were asked last night.

CRUZ: You know, let me say something at the outset.

But he entered the debate in the middle of the most hard stretch of his White House campaign.

Strong moments punctuated the debate for Rubio and Cruz, as well as a blunt and direct Chris Christie, and Carly Fiorina, who continues to perform best when the most viewers are watching.

“Three pages is about the maximum a single business owner, or a farmer, or just a couple can understand without hiring somebody”, she said.

Also on stage were former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Kentucky Sen.

“I’m not going to pick on them”. “I think the families need to get together here, because these debates as structured by the RNC are not helping the party”, Bennett said. “Take it to the bank”.

It’s a lazy way for unprepared candidates to avoid uncomfortable questions: dismiss the lines of inquiry themselves as illegitimate and unfair.

“This is not a cage match”, Cruz said, to as big a round of applause as any candidate earned.

“The Democrats have the ultimate Super PAC”, said the Florida senator. Early on, Christie proposed raising the Social Security retirement age and reducing or eliminating payments to more well-off Americans.

Though the candidates clearly differed from each other in many ways, they seemed to share one position: their dislike for the moderators. Donald Trump is the front-runner. “Get over that one, OK?” “That’s how we’re gonna fund the government?” We have – wait a second, we have $19 trillion in debt. “We serve real people every day”.

“My great concern is that we’re on the verge of picking someone who can not do this job”, he said. “You have to pick somebody who has experience”.

But Trump shot back by questioning Kasich’s stewardship of Ohio’s economy and his work as a banker for Lehman Brothers during the financial crisis.

Fred Lokken, a registered Republican and Truckee Meadows Community College political science professor said Carson and Trump as well as Florida Sen.

“His poll numbers tanked and he got nasty”, Trump said of Kasich, followed by a wink to his left. But he was given little time to speak as much as he would have hoped about his two terms as governor.

Kasich leveled the most pointed criticism, after Trump defended his tax-cut plan and Carson defended his plan for a roughly 15 percent flat tax. But this debate – the third among a massive GOP field – came at a time when new dynamics are unfolding in the race.

Harwood claimed the debate “was always going to be two hours”, but Trump held firm: “That is not right”.

But Paul will have opportunity anew Thursday to command the attention of voters.

“I’m proud of our candidates for standing up to a pretty hostile environment”, Priebus said. “But we’re not gambling”. Enough with fantasy football.

“How about talking about the substantive issues people care about?” he asked.

US Republicans have traded blows in a heated presidential debate in Colorado that featured several angry exchanges.


Senator Rubio replied: “That’s exactly what the Republican establishment say too”.

Carson enters GOP debate with momentum; Bush seeks jumpstart