
John Kasich’s New York ad target — the senator from Texas

Cruz and Sanders easily won their Wisconsin presidential primary contests on Tuesday night.


Stinging from a loss to rival Ted Cruz in the Wisconsin Republican primary, Donald Trump held a rally in NY on Wednesday, telling his supporters that Cruz has shown “hatred for New York”, as Trump seeks to shore up support in his home state.

Overall Michigan’s 59 delegates will be allocated with 25 going to Donald Trump and 17 each going to Ted Cruz and John Kasich. The state has 37 delegates up for grabs.

Instead of holding a statewide primary or caucus like most states, Colorado employs a series of local, congressional-district and statewide gatherings where people compete to be delegates.

“Whoever the final candidate is, we’ll fight for them to the end”, said one of the delegates. “Dozens of volunteers have been working since December” in Colorado, said Congressman Ken Buck, who’s chairing Cruz’s Colorado campaign. “The bottom line is that this is shaping up to be a close race where all three candidates will collect delegates, with precise numbers all but impossible to predict because of the election process”. It takes 1,237 delegates to win the nomination at the Republican national convention in July in Cleveland.

Trump, who came under fire for his sexist attack on Cruz’s wife Heidi last week, did not appear at the state convention.

“He really doesn’t present any evidence and when we did our own research we found there’s still no evidence that Ted Cruz is somehow connected to the distribution of this photo”, Politifact’s Katie Sanders said.

One Republican at the convention who runs a popular hot dog stand by the Michigan Capitol building on weekdays said he likes Trump because “he’s untraditional”. Saul Anuzis, Cruz’s MI state director, called it a product of a Trump-Kasich team effort and suggesting it signaled Kasich was gunning for a spot on Trump’s ticket. “If they do, I haven’t seen it”. That would put him on a path to reach only 1,175 delegates ― 62 shy of a majority for the nomination.


In the interim, Schrimpf said, “Everybody needs to calm down and wait for the rules committee to make the rules and know that, even when they make the rules, those rules can be changed at any point int he convention”.

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